Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 03 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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¡ (Balukaprabha Prithvi), fifth hell (Dhoom-prabha Prithvi), sixth hell i (Tamah-prabha Prithvi), and one in the seventh hell (Adhah-saptam | Prithvi). Or (15) one in the first hell (Ratnaprabha Prithvi), one in the fourth hell (Pankaprabha Prithvi) ... and so on up to... and one in the seventh hell (Adhah-saptam Prithvi). Or (16) one in the second hell (Sharkaraprabha Prithvi), one in the third hell (Balukaprabha Prithvi), i fourth hell (Pankaprabha Prithvi), one in the fifth hell (Dhoom-prabha i Prithvi), and one in the sixth hell (Tamah-prabha Prithvi). Or (17) one in the second hell (Sharkaraprabha Prithvi), one in the third hell (Baluka prabha Prithvi), one in the fourth hell (Pankaprabha Prithvi),
one in the one in the fifth hell (Dhoom-prabha Prithvi), and one in the ¡ seventh hell (Adhah-saptam Prithvi). Or (18) one in the second hell i (Sharkaraprabha Prithvi), one in the third hell (Balukaprabha Prithvi), i fourth hell (Pankaprabha Prithvi), one in the sixth hell (Tamah-prabha
Prithvi), and one in the seventh hell (Adhah-saptam Prithvi). Or (19) one in the second hell (Sharkaraprabha Prithvi), one in the third hell (Balukaprabha Prithvi), fifth hell (Dhoom-prabha Prithvi), one in the i sixth hell (Tamah-prabha Prithvi), and one in the seventh hell (Adhahi saptam Prithvi). Or (20) one in the second hell (Sharkaraprabha
Prithvi), one in the fourth hell (Pankaprabha Prithvi), fifth hell (Dhoomprabha Prithvi), one in the sixth hell (Tamah-prabha Prithvi), and one in the seventh hell (Adhah-saptam Prithvi). Or (21) one in the third hell ¡ (Balukaprabha Prithvi), one in the fourth hell (Pankaprabha Prithvi), i fifth hell (Dhoom-prabha Prithvi), one in the sixth hell (Tamah-prabha | Prithvi), and one in the seventh hell (Adhah-saptam Prithvi).
विवेचन : पंच नैरयिकों का पंचसंयोगी विकल्प एवं भंग १-१-१-१-१ एक ही होता है। इस प्रकार सात नरकों के पंचसंयोगी २१ ही विकल्प और २१ ही भंग होते हैं, जिनमें से रत्नप्रभा-पृथ्वी के संयोग वाले १५, शर्कराप्रभा के संयोग वाले ५ और बालुकाप्रभा के संयोग वाला १ भंग होता है। यों सभी मिलकर १५ + ५ + 9 = 39 m Cateriala
पाँच नैरयिकों के समस्त भंग-पाँच नैरयिक जीवों के असंयोगी ७, द्विकसंयोगी ८४, त्रिकसंयोगी २१०, og: Femt 980 BT cohert 29; # aut falch 0 + (8 +290 + 980 +39 = XE? vild 1 (qfa, 57 888)
Elaboration-For five infernal beings there is only one option for sets of five - 1-1-1-1-1. Associated with each of the seven hells there are only twenty-one alternative combinations. Of these 15 are related to the
first hell, 5 to the second and 1 to the third. This makes a total of 15+5+1 i = 21 alternative combinations for sets of five.
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