Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 03 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan

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Page 526
________________ 卐 5 तरह एवं महोत्सव समाप्त होने के बाद इन्द्रध्वज ( दण्ड ) की तरह शोभाविहीन हो गई। उसके सन्धिबन्धन शिथिल हो गए और वह एकदम धस करती हुई ( धड़ाम से) सारे ही अंगों सहित धरती के फर्श पर गिर पड़ी। फफफफफ फफफफफफफफफफफफफफफफफफफफफफ 5 34. When Kshatriya youth Jamali's mother heard and understood these ominous, unpleasant, repelling, undesirable, unheard of and hard hitting words she was overwhelmed with grief. She became drenched with sweat oozing out of here body-pores. Her limbs started trembling with the load of grief. Like a garland of flowers crushed with palms, she became gloomy, depressed, and dull. Within a moment she lost all her beauty, radiance, and splendour. Her body became so shriveled that all her ornaments became ill fitting, so much so that her bracelets slipped out of her loosely hanging wrists, fell down on the floor and broke. Her dress was in disorder exposing her body. The deep shock made her unconscious. Her body became heavy. Her tender locks were disheveled. She lost her charm as if a vine was cut by blow of an axe or like a flag after celebrations were over. Her joints became loose and she fell prone on the floor. विवेचन : कल्पना और आशा के विपरीत मन पर आघात करने वाले वचन सुनने पर शरीर व मन की क्या स्थिति होती है ? इसका बहुत ही भावपूर्ण वर्णन प्रस्तुत सूत्र में है। Elaboration It is a vivid and touching description of the condition of the mind and body of a mother on hearing unexpected and unimaginable tormenting words. माता-पिता के साथ जमालि का संलाप DIALOGUE WITH PARENTS y y ३५. (माता) तए णं सा जमालिस्स खत्तियकुमारस्स माया ससंभमोयत्तियाए तुरियं कंचणभिंगारमुहविणिग्गयसीयलजल - विमलधारापसिच्चमाणनिव्ववियगायलट्टी उक्खेवगतालियंटवीयणगजणियवाएणं ५ सफुसिएणं अंतेउरपरिजणेणं आसासिया समाणी रोयमाणी कंदमाणी सोयमाणी विलवमाणी जमालिं खत्तियकुमारं एवं वयासी - तुमं सि णं जाया ! अम्हं एगे पुत्ते इट्ठे कंते पिए मणुष्णे मणामे थेज्जे वेसासिए ५ सम्मए बहुमए अणुमए भंडकरंडगसमाणे रयणे रयणब्भूए जीविऊ सविये हिययनंदिजणणे उंबरपुष्कं पिव दुल्लभे सवणया किमंग पुण पासणयाए ? तं नो खलु जाया ! अम्हे इच्छामो तुब्भं खणमवि विप्पओगं, तं अच्छा ताव जाया ! जाव ताव अम्हे जीवामो; तओ पच्छा अम्हेहिं कालगएहिं समाणेहिं परिणयवये वड्डियकुलवंस - तंतुकज्जम्मि निरवयक्खे समणस्स भगवओ महावीरस्स अंतियं मुंडे भवित्ता अगाराओ अणगारियं पव्वइहिसि । भगवती सूत्र (३) (454) Jain Education International फफफफफफफफफफफफफफ Bhagavati Sutra ( 3 ) For Private & Personal Use Only ! ५ ५ ५ फ्र 5 5


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