Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 03 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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44444444444444444444444444444545454545! $ No-Bhava-Upapaat-Gati = No-Vayu-Kaayik = living being
rebirth not related to karmic other than air-bodied (8/9/75) bondage is called (8/7/25) No-Chaaritri-No-Achaaritri
(0) (8/2/105)
Obhaasanti = enlighten (8/8/39) Nochitral-Vairs = malice against Opashamik Samyaktva = intense numerous non-Chitral (9/34/7)
pacification of karma (8/10/18) No-Ekendriya = living being other than one-sensed (8/9/47)
(P) No-Indriya Dhaarana = non
Paakhandasth = ritual observer of sensual absorption (8/2/23)
vows (9/31/14) Noparyaptak-Noaparyaptak =
Paan = liquids (8/6/1) neither fully developed nor
Paap Karma = demeritorious underdeveloped (8/2/61)
karma (8/6/1-3) No-Prithvikaayik = living being
Paaritapaniki Kriya = activity of 5 other than earth-bodied (8/9/48)
inflicting pain (8/6/29) Nopurush = non-man; living
Paasai = sees (8/2/131) beings other than man (9/34/2)
Paatra = ascetic-bowls (9/33/50) Nopurush-Vair = malice against non-man; malice against living Padma = type of lotus (9/33/78)
beings other than man (9/34/7,8) Padma Leshya = yellow 5 Norishi = non-sage; living beings complexion of soul (8/2/119; 9/31/15) other than sage (9/34/6)
Padmavarvedika = plateau (9/3Norishi-Vair = malice against non
30/2) sage; malice against living beings Palash = Forest Flame; Burea other than a sage (9/34/8)
frondosakoen (8/3/5) No-Sanjni-No-Asanjni Jivas = Palyopam = a metaphoric unit of
neither sentient nor non-sentient time (8/2/131; 8/9/37, 40, 72; 9/34 beings (8/2/70)
30/3; 9/33/104, 108) Nosukshma Nobaadar = neither Panchamushti Kesh-Locha = ! minute nor gross (8/2/50)
five-fist pulling out of hair (9/33/16)
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