Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 03 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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[ उ. ] एवं चेव ।
फ्र फ्र
30. The same should also be repeated up to Vanaspatikaayik5 ekendriya audarik-sharira-prayoga-bandh (bondage related to plant- फ्र bodied one-sensed gross physical body formation) as well as for two sensed, three-sensed and four-sensed gross physical body formations. ३१. [ प्र. ] तिरिक्खजोणियपंचिंदियओरालियसरीरप्पयोगबंधे णं भंते ! कस्स कम्मस्स उदएणं ?
३१. [प्र.] भगवन् ! तिर्यंच-पंचेन्द्रिय-औदारिकशरीर-प्रयोगबन्ध किस कर्म के उदय होता है ?
[ उ. ] गौतम ! (इस विषय में भी) पूर्वोक्त कथनानुसार जानना चाहिए।
31. [Q.] Bhante ! What karma is responsible for Tiryanchpanchendriya-audarik-sharira-prayoga-bandh (bondage related to gross physical body formation of five-sensed animals)?
[Ans.] Gautam ! It is the same as aforesaid.
३२. [ प्र. ] मणुस्सपंचिंदियओरालियसरीरप्पयोगबंधे णं भंते ! कस्स कम्मस्स उदएणं ? [ उ. ] गोयमा ! वीरियसजोगसद्दव्ययाए पमादपच्चया जाव आउयं च पडुच्च मणुस्सपंचिंदिय ओरालियसरीरप्पयोगनामाए कम्मस्स उदएणं मणुस्सपंचिंदियओरालियसरीरप्प ओगबंधे । ३२. [प्र.] भगवन् ! मनुष्य -पंचेन्द्रिय-औदारिकशरीर-प्रयोगबन्ध किस कर्म के उदय से होता है ?
[उ.] गौतम ! सवीर्यता, सयोगता और सद्द्रव्यता से, तथा प्रमाद के कारण यावत् आयुष्य की अपेक्षा से एवं मनुष्य - पंचेन्द्रिय-औदारिकशरीर - नामकर्म के उदय से 'मनुष्य-पंचेन्द्रियऔदारिकशरीर-प्रयोगबन्ध' होता है ।
भगवती सूत्र (३)
Jain Education International
32. [Q.] Bhante ! What karma is responsible for Manushya - panchendriya-audarik-sharira-prayoga-bandh (bondage related to gross physical body formation of five-sensed human beings)?
[Ans.] Gautam ! Depending upon available potency (saviryata), available intensity of thought (samyogata) and available matter particles (saddravyata), and so on up to the Manushya-panchendriyaaudarik-sharira-prayoga-bandh (bondage related to gross physical body formation of five-sensed human beings) takes place through fruition (udaya) Manushya-panchendriya-audarik-sharira-prayoga-naam- 5
karma (karma responsible for gross physical body formation of fivesensed human beings) triggered by stupor (pramaad).
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