Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 03 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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बन्धन-प्रत्ययिक बन्ध का नियम-सामान्यतया स्निग्धता और रूक्षता से परमाणुओं का बन्ध होता है। किस प्रकार होता है ? इसका नियम क्या है ? यह समझ लेना आवश्यक है। एक आचार्य ने इस विषय में नियम
बतलाते हुए कहा है-विषम स्निग्धता या विषम रूक्षता में बन्धन होता है। स्निग्ध का द्विगुणादि अधिक स्निग्ध 卐 के साथ तथा रूक्ष का द्विगुणादि अधिक रूक्ष के साथ बन्ध होता है। स्निग्ध का रूक्ष के साथ जघन्य गुण को है 3 छोड़कर सम या विषम बन्ध होता है। अर्थात् एकगुण स्निग्ध या एकगुण रूक्षरूप जघन्य गुण को छोड़कर शेष
सम या विषम गुण वाले स्निग्ध या रूक्ष का परस्पर बन्ध होता है। सम स्निग्ध का सम स्निग्ध के साथ तथा सम ॐ रूक्ष का सम रूक्ष के साथ बन्ध नहीं होता। - (वृत्ति, पत्रांक ३९५, तत्त्वार्थसूत्र, अ. ५ सूत्र)
Elaboration-Three types of Anaadik visrasa bandh (natural bondage without a beginning)--
The chain-like partial bondage of different space-points of the motion entity (Dharmastikaaya) is called anyonya-anaadik visrasa bandh (mutually interdependent natural bondage without a beginning). The same is true for Adharmasti kaaya (rest entity) and Akaashastikaaya (space entity). The mutual bondage between different space-points of the motion entity is partial. It is not whole or complete like mixing of milk and water. If it was a complete bondage (whole with whole) all spacepoints would collapse into one space-point and the motion entity would be reduced to one space-point from its multi-space-point state. This goes against natural laws and therefore, is unacceptable. Thus the fabric of motion entity and other two aforesaid entities conforms to the process of partial bondage and not to that of whole.
Three Saadik visrasa bandh-The bondage taking effect due to the intrinsic properties of smoothness and roughness in ultimate particles of matter (paramanus) is called Bandhan pratyayik (related to binding force). Bhaajan means place of storage; the bondage taking effect due to storage is called Bhaajan pratyayik (related to container or storage). For example wine stored in a pitcher becomes thick, jaggery and rice stored for long turn into lumps. The bondage taking effect due to transformation in basic structure is called Parinaam pratyayik (related to transformation).
Rule of Bandhan pratyayik bondage-Generally speaking the bondage of ultimate particles of matter is due to the attributes of smoothness and roughness. However, it is necessary to understand the process and its rules. Explaining the related rule an acharya has stated-aggregates of equal smoothness or roughness cannot be bonded; bondage is only due to unequal smoothness or roughness. A smooth racht F (a)
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