Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 03 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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जानता देखता है; जबकि विपुलमति उससे ढाई अंगुल अधिक क्षेत्र में रहे हुए जीवों के मनोगत भावों को
5 विशेष प्रकार से विशुद्धतर रूप से स्पष्ट रूप से जानता देखता है। तात्पर्य यह है कि ऋजुमतिमनः पर्यायज्ञानी क्षेत्र से उत्कृष्टतः अधोदिशा में - रत्नप्रभा पृथ्वी के ऊपरी तल के नीचे के क्षुल्लक प्रतरों, ऊर्ध्वदिशा में - ज्योतिषी देवलोक के ऊपरी तल को तथा तिर्यग्दिशा में मनुष्यक्षेत्र में जो ढाई द्वीप - समुद्रक्षेत्र हैं, १५ कर्मभूमियाँ हैं तथा छप्पन अन्तर्वीप हैं, उनमें रहे हुए संज्ञी पंचेन्द्रिय पर्याप्तक जीवों के मनोगत भावों को जानता - देखता है। विपुलमति इससे अढाई अंगुल अधिक क्षेत्र को विशुद्ध रूप में जानता - देखता है। काल से - ऋजुमति जघन्यतः पल्योपम के असंख्यातवें भाग जितने अतीत-अनागत काल को जानता- देखता है, जबकि विपुलमति इसी को स्पष्टतर रूप से निर्मलतर जानता देखता है। भाव से ऋजुमति समस्त भावों के अनन्तवें भाग को जानता - देखता 5 है, जबकि विपुलमति इन्हें ही विशुद्धतर - स्पष्टतररूप से जानता देखता है।
Elaboration-Scope of Manah-paryav-jnana-This jnana is of two kinds (1) Rijumati (limited) and (2) Vipul-mati (elaborate). Simply perceivable mental images are the subjects of Rijumati Manah-paryavjnana. For example knowing of simple thought forms (with limited modes) manifested by thought-particles (manodravya; may be neuronic activity), such as "he has thought of pitcher". A person endowed with Manah-paryav-jnana directly knows and sees-In context of substanceinfinite aggregates of infinite space-points transformed as thoughts in the minds of sentient fully developed five sensed living beings (sanjnipanchendriya-paryaptak jivas) of Adhai Dveep (two and a half continents) up to the surrounding sea. This happens on attaining destruction-cum-pacification of Manah-paryav jnanavaraniya karmas (Manah-paryav jnana hindering karmas). In context of Manah-paryavjnana the term originally used is not jaanai (knows) but only paasai (sees). This is because he does not, in fact, directly know the thoughts but only the transformed thought-particles into the imagined form (anyathanupapatti or causitive inference). The reason being that the form of thought-particles perceived by a living being cannot manifest in absence of that specific thought.
Vipul-mati (elaborate) Manah-paryav-jnana is wider or elaborate knowledge of numerous attributes of thought forms. For example-He thinks of a pitcher. As to matter it is made of gold. As to area it is from Pataliputra. As to time it is new or made during spring season. As to state it is large or yellow. One endowed with vipul-mati knows such attributes of thought forms. This means that a vipul-mati sees things with more details and clarity as compared with a rijumati. In context of area-Rijumati-minimum : innumerable fraction of an Angul; maximum the thoughts of the sentient fully developed five sensed
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