1964). A Levalloiso-Mousterian industry comprising scrapers of various kinds, fine points and blades together with a rich fauna has recently been reported from Siberia (Rudenko, 1961). A passing reference might be made to Hey's site in the Wadi Derna on the Libyan littoral, which has a C-14 determination of 43,000 B.C. (McBurney, 1960).
South of the Sahara, the Fauresmith Culture is regarded as the logical outcome of the Chelles-Acheul and includes small hand-axes, crude cleavers, as weil as several kinds of scrapers, points, flakes and blades, and three types of cores: discoidal, Levallois types and fluted (Clark, 1959).
Thus in many respects this mixed feature reminds us of the different aspects of the Indian Palaeolithic, though we must note the absence of heavy-duty tools from the Indian collections. Such tools should have been there.
The Sangoan from Kalombo Falls was formerly placed between 40.000 and 45,000 years B. P., now both the Fauersmith and the Sangoan have been assigned a date of 38,000 B. C. (Clark, 1965).
R. V. Joshi. What should be the terminology for the Stone Age industries from non-European regions like Africa and India, particularly in the light of present evidence? Early, Middle Late Stone Age, or Lower, Middle and Upper Palaeolithic? Indian Middle Stone Age industries are a group of industries having district regional variations and it would be convenient to adopt more comprehensive terms, such as Middle Stone Age industries, and each regional group should be represented by the type: Nevasian (from Nevasa); Wainganga A et B. and so on.
AGARRWAL, D. P.; KUSUMGAR, Sheela. 1967. Radiocarbon dates of some prehistoric and pleistocene samples. Curr. Sci. (Banglore). v.. 36, no. 21, p. 569-668.
BORDES, Francois. 1961. Mousteriaan Culture in France Science, vol. 134. p. 803-819.
Jain Education International
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MURTY, M. L. K. 1968. Blade and burin industries near Renigunta on the south-east Coast of India. Proc. Prehist, Soc. (Cambridge), vol. XXXIII.
RANOV V. A. 1964. On the relations between the palaeolithic cultures of central Asia and some Orienta countries. In: VII Int. Congr. Anthrop. and Ethuol Sci., Moscow, Nauka. (In Russian.)
RUDENKO, S. I. 1961. The Ust. Kanskaia Palaeo. lithic cave site, Siberia. Am. Antiq. (Menasha), vol. 27 p. 203-215.
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