Book Title: Agam 13 Upang 02 Rajprashniya Sutra Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Tarunmuni, Shreechand Surana, Trilok Sharma
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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___67. Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir addressed to Suryabh Dev as under____ "O Suryabh ! It is an ancient custom. It is an old tradition. It is worthy of performance It has been followed in the past as a rule. It is accepted by all that gods of all the four categories namely Bhavanpati, Vanavyantar, Jyotishk and Vaimanik at first bow to Arihants, greet Him, honour Him and thereafter, they mention their name and status. So, 0 Suryabh ! Your action is in accordance with ancient tradition being observed by all.”
६८. तए णं से सूरियाभे देवे समणेणं भगवया महावीरेणं एवं वुत्ते समाणे हट्ट जाव समणं भगवं महावीरं वंदंति नमसंति, वंदित्ता नमंसित्ता नच्चासणे नातिदूरे सुस्सूसमाणे णमंसमाणे अभिमुहे विणएणं पंजलिउडे पज्जुवासति।
६८. तब वह सूर्याभदेव श्रमण भगवान महावीर के इस कथन को सुनकर अतीव हर्षित * हुआ और श्रमण भगवान महावीर को वन्दन-नमस्कार करके न तो उनसे अधिक निकट
और न अधिक दूर किन्तु यथोचित स्थान पर स्थित होकर शुश्रूषा करता हुआ, नमस्कार " करता हुआ सामने विनयपूर्वक दोनो हाथ जोडकर अंजलि करके पर्युपासना करने लगा।
___68. Suryabh Dev felt very much pleased at the word of the Lord. He bowed to Him in respect and took his seat at proper place
neither very near nor very far from Bhagavan, humbly clasped his The hands in his honour and started serving him exhibiting his & devotion.
६९. तए णं समणे भगवं महावीरे सूरियाभस्स देवस्स तीसे य महतिमहालिताए परिसाए जाव धम्मं परिकहेइ। परिसा जामेव दिसिं पाउन्भूआ तामेव दिसिं पडिगया।
६९. तत्पश्चात् श्रमण भगवान महावीर ने सूर्याभदेव को और उस उपस्थित विशाल परिषद् को धर्मदेशना सुनाई। देशना सुनकर परिषद् जिस दिशा से आई थी वापस उसी ओर लौट गई।
69. Thereafter Bhagavan Mahavir delivered spiritual discourse to Suryabh Dev and the entire assembly of devotees present. After The listening to the discourse, the assembly dispersed.
Rar-paseniya Sutra
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