thing could be known only when the Self is known. There is nothing that knows others but does not know itself. The faculty of knowledge works like the light, which illuminates itself at the first event and in accordance with the span and scope of vigour, it illuminates the rest of things in its realm. Light never requires another lamp to shine upon it. The sun is the best example, He is illuminated by his own virtue and in course of it, He illuminates the universe.
So the Jain exerts to know the Self that knows everything. Knowing the Self becomes the sole motto of his life. For a real devotee of the Jina, to know his own Self directly and realisingly is have it experienced continuously, outside and the Godhood, including the God, if there be any, is the secondary thing for him. Primarily he believes in the realization of the Self. Which is the only source of universal knowledge. The Special Seed of Life
On the fundamental principle of the Self-realization the real Jain happens to be different in the worldly walks of life. There by he seems clearly distinct, quite apprently, from the other sects in the varied world outside. Even though all the herbs are conceived collectively alike for the botanical sense, they individually do differ, depending on the class and power of the seeds. It is the seed that prevails ! In the same way the Jain seed of life is quite unique and distinguished from those of others. In principle, the conception of the element called SAUL and the direct experience of the independent illumination of the Self, are of multifarious nature. It is the distinct vim of the seed that thrives in its own way unlike others. Its blossoms are found quite different. Eventually the harvest also is distinguished from others. It comes out of individuality, forming its own class. It displays the distinct quality and efficacy owing to the vim of the seed.
Varily the psychic seed of a Jain is quite different in principle. It is the psychological and scientific truth that the inward power of man controls his behaviourism and characteristic development. The inward vim and the inclinations of a Jain are different, so his way of life does become different. The nature and virtue of his self governs his inclinations and behaviours. He is quite alike in the event of the birth system. His physical, organic and metabolic conditions do resemble alike others. The wakenings for food, sleep, protection, sex appeal and so also the sense of health, ease of mind, greed, will, pride, revange etc., may be present in his physical and mental systems. But sincerely clinging to the real sense of the epithet of the Jina, a Jain strives for the victory over the mundane elements of life. He never likes to be carried away by the force of secular currents. Normally all other persons are living the mundane life as it comes to them, whereas the Jain selects the kind of it, to his own choice. He endeavours more for the spiritual life. Thus his spirit involves in the Self-realization. And this is the main focus that takes altogether different direction to develop his individuality into a distinct cult. If at all the others make their life course like a water current that always runs down the level, the Jain makes his life like vapour that flees upward, becomming more and more light, by way of ousterity, instead of addiction.
The Import of Life
Any person as an individual must exist as a single and free unit. He ought to live on, as a separate entity and distinguish his element from others even of the same class. He must differentiate himself by his special virtues and characteristics. His personality be kept on ever developing in independence, in the realm of action, thought and self-respect. His individuality must clearly become a social theory that emphasises on the importance of his distinctive character, quality and personal achievements. This kind of success and accomplishment sprout from the seed of self-realisation put to the course of sublimation.
But whenever and wherever the sense of self is neglected or misunderstood or misled, the ingradient vim moves the faculty to reveal the hidden image towards the reaction of light, to advance maturity to
आचार्यरत्न श्री देशभूषण जी महाराज अभिनन्दन ग्रन्थ
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