balancing of Faith and Understanding faculties, a man has proper confidence saturated with understanding, where and when required. Similarly Energy faculty coupled with Concentration faculty in a balanced state, does not lapse into agitation. As a result of this the proper absorption emerges wherever and wherever desired.
Then what should be the role of Mindfulness? It is realized on the basis of practical experience that a strong Mindfulness is needed in all instances. The reason behind it is obvious. It protects the mind from lapsing it into agitation through Faith, Energy and Understanding. It also protects it from lapsing into idleness, through Concentration. Therefore it is a desirable factor in all instances, as a seasoning of salt in all sauces and as the presence of the Prime Minister in all the business of the right king. It is truely remarked by the Buddha that Mindfulness is universal or invariably common factor with all.
Then how the practice of five controlling factors is helpful in balancing the life here and hereafter and finally in realization of Nibbana ? It is now obvious that Mindfulness generates a congenial atmosphere for aspiring for the higher spiritual gain or inculcation of sublime human values. Faith generates confidence in that. Energy helps and guarantees support for preserving that atmosphere in mind. The Concentration mars the hindrances and give rise to the constituents of Jhana. Understanding finding such congenial atmosphere penetrates into the nature of reality and knows and visualizing it face to face-that all things are impermanent subject to suffering and substanceless. Knowing them so, the man curtails the attachment. The greater is the curtailment of attachment, the more is the minimisation of suffering. When there is the total curtailment of attachment, there is total climination of suffering. Attainment of such a state is the attainment of Nibbana a state of eternal bliss.
Now coming to theme of the topic, it can be said that though these five factors apparently appear functioning in five different ways, yet they consumate in only one function and that is the helping of the emergence of a blissful state which we may say unity amidst diversity. Perhaps this question also disturbed the King Milinda who could not check himself in clarifying the doubt.
"These qualities which are so different, 0' Nagasena do they bring about one and the same result?"
"They do so, O' King, by putting an end of all evil dispositions. They are like the various parts of army-elephants, cavalary, chariots and soldiers-who all work to one end. i.e., the conquest in battle over the opposite army."
Similarly, though they are five appearing working in five ways, consumate in one action and that is the total negation of suffering and attainment of a state of eternal bliss.
D.P.--Dhammapada-Nalanda edition.
QKM. (M.P.) Questions of King Milinda (Milinda Pañho)-S.B.E. edition. Sn.-Suttanipäta-Nalanda edition.
V.M.-Visuddhimagga-Bombay edition.
1. Q.K.M. 1, (M.P.) 62.
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