Dikpalini Matrikas : A Jain Iconographical Innovative Contribution (?)
Prof. Arya Ramchandra G. Tiwari
The number of directions is variously suggested in different texts/rituals. Their range extends from sixteen' to four or even three if the reference to only Indra, Agni and Vayu, in the Kenopanishads has any significance in this respect
In between these two extremes the number of directions according to some texts, are twelve or eleven (i. e., four main directions, four mid-points of those main directions plus upper region, lower region and the one lowerer than it) or ten (i.e., eight cardinal points plus the upper and the lower regions) or nine? (i.e., the eight cardinal points plus the upper region) or eight (i.e., the eight cardinal points, viz., four directions and four mid-points between them) or seven or six10 (i.e., four main directions plus upper and lower regions) or five, i.e., the four main directions plus the upper region).
NR. The Puranic texts edited by Shriram Acharya are indicated by the capital ‘A’ within brackets,
e.g., Vaman Puran (A) 7/12. 1. See the cardinal points of the sacrificial hall or the scheme of arranging the different points of the
Mandap in the tantric form of worshipping Ganapati. Brhadaranyaka Upa. 4/2/4; Chhandogya Upi. 3/15/2.
Kena Upa. 3/3, 7, 11; 4/2. 4. e.g., the points for the location of the Zodiac signs in the Ram-yantra.
Shukla Yajurveda 22/24/1. 6. Vayu Purana (A) 24/150; Markandeya P. (A) 81/19; Garuda P. (A) 2/6/40; Padma P. (A) 2/30/10:
Brahmavaivarta P. (A) 2/62/40; Kurma P. (A) 15/45; Ganesha Gita 1/25; Mahabharat (Gita Press) 134/17; Val. Ramayana (Gita Press) 3/25/38; Jaimini's Ashvamedhaparvam (Gita Press 4/89); Bhasa : Avimarkam 3/4; Shudraka : Mrchchhakatika 8/24; Vaishakhadatt : Mudrarakshasa 3/7; Narayana Tantra : Kalyana 47/1/551-552; Haridra Ganapati Tantra : Kalyana 47/1/479-80, etc.,
Shukhanand's commentary on Shukla Yajurveda 23/37/1. 8. Vaman P. (A) 7/21; Bhavishya P. (A) 2/23; Linga P. (A) 2:15-8, 69/18-19, 80/8-11; Surya P. (Gautama
edi.) 41/14-18; Agni P. (Anand Ashrama) 96/12; Matsya P. (A) 41/8-9, etc, 9 See Brahma p. (A) 2/27/14, No indication regarding the location of these seven points is given. 10. Atharvaveda 13/1-12: Ganapati Upa. Upanisbanaka-Kalyana, p. 698. 11. Aitareya Brahmana (Martin Tr.), p. 12; Chhandogya Upa. Bk. 3 Ch. 13; Kena Upa. 2/3/3: Somadev :
Kathasaritasagara 9/6/260, etc.,
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