into the all-embracing frame-work of the Anekanta-vada, but they did not refute the systems unlike the Buddhist thinkers. They first adjusted other systems into the new dialectical fold of the Nayas, analysed and judged them properly as positive ideology, on the contrary, the systems were never contradicted. The framework of Anekānta-vada has an encyclopedic character; it concedes all other systems, and examines them with the dialectical tools of the Nayas and the Saptabhangi. It is a sum-total of all systems and stands still above all!
Almost all thinkers of the time offered full status to the intelligent Jaina thinkers and in their treatises granted the Jaina views a separate treatment for discussions. Siddhasena divākara, Umāsvāti, Jinabhadra, Devanandin, Akalanka, and such other scholiasts enjoyed the prestige they deserved as the elite thinkers of Jainism. On account of "Sanskritization" of the Jaina doctrines, Jainism won the distinction of an independent school of philosophy. Even an eclectic nature of the Classical Jaina philosophy has to be evaluated from a sociological perspective, it also contributed to the cause of survival of Jainism.
In the medieval period, Jainism could successfully pose itself also as a religion on par with Hinduism. by way of adopting within its fold, some Hindu rites, caste-system, samskāras, etc. The works like Adipurāṇa of Jinasena and the synthesizing approach in some of the works of Haribhadra contributed to Jainism in firmly establishing it as a separate sect. Gradually, also some Hindu gods were accepted and given subsidiary status in the Jaina mythology and/or Pantheon; the bhakti-clement was interwoven in the new Stotra literature. Thus, Jainism was hinduized in form, but maintained its independent identity. This situation created a tremendous impact on the society. It made difficult to distinguish a Jaina from a Hindu. Even the matrimonial relation between Jainas and Hindus was allowed, if the Hindu family was vegetarian or followed Vaisnavism.
It has, however, to be remembered that the code of conduct was still in the center of religious activities, which certified Jainism as a harmless institution in society. Followers of the Jaina faith acquired full scope for establishing their contacts with any community and business in any part of India. The very nature of Jainism attracted even the great Mogul emporer Akbar in the 16th cent. A.D.
One most important point regarding Jainism in contrast with Buddhism has to be borne in mind. The Jaina monk-scholars aspired after widening their horizon of knowledge even beyond the range of literary activities in their own religion and philosophy. They studied and contributed to other literature of nonsectarian nature, and satisfied the general needs of other classes in the society. They were masters of Papinian Grammar and also of the Prakrit languages. They composed Campus, Purāņas, Poems, works on Astrology, commentaries on Romantic works and Grammar,-all irrespective of any barriers of caste and creed. Such literary activities of the intelligentsia from the Jaina ascetics have still remained simply a marvel in the field of Classical literature. Moreover, these scholiasts of the Middle Ages were enthusiastic to collect and preserve many valuable manuscripts mostly of the Brahmanical and also of non-sectarian/Romantic literature like dramas, poems, etc. Some of the manuscripts of Jaina and non-Jaina literature were even copied and preserved in the Jaina Bhanḍāras. The whole society is much indebted to the Jaina monks and the community for preserving the most valuable heritage of ancient India.
Thus, if the Jaina philosophers won reputation on account of their philosophical contributions, other Jaina monk-authors and scholiasts rooted deeply their social status by means of their contributions to the literary and scientific needs of the society.
We will now examine the other function of the term: "Survival" in its context with Jainism.
A reformer or a thinker when presenting his own views should also offer evaluation of views of others who are reputed on account of their brilliant achievements in the field of religion and philosophy. Such
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