Values, Education and Jainism
- Sh. Som Pal Sharma
The quest after values and the attainment there of constitute the very core of human life. This is so because human life is basically finite and imperfect and man always strives towards overcoming those imperfections and limitations. That is why, consciously or unconsciously, value-concepts, value discrimination, and value-judgements figure prominently in his life.
There is a necessary connection between educational objectives and value-seeking. Actually, the process of value-realization is basically an educational one, Education must have some objectives, if it is to be effective and of any worth. It necessitates a sort of value-thinking, for it is value-decisions alone which can provide valid and adequate objectives of education.
Value-considerations are heavily involved in all educational objectives. In teaching and learning every problem demands a proper value-consideration. We notice that the more the teacher or educator is aware of the realm of values, so much more, he or she opens the vision, understanding and perspective of the pupil. In all subjects of studies as well as in all problems of life perceptably or imperceptably valuational questions are involved. And, therefore, the more unripe the learner so much the more responsible should be the teacher It is always a serious danger for the youth if the teachers valuational perecption is too narrow, as the consequence is a premature forcing into a one-sided, limited or even biased interpretation of life. So we are in need of philosophy of education which could reflect over the field of education. But here one can raise the following questions :
(i) What is philosophy ? (ii) What is education ? (iii) In what way can philosophy contribute to education ?
Let these above-mentioned questions be replied first :
(i) What is Philosophy ? Etymologically, philosophy means love of wisdom, but functionally it means both, the seeking of wisdom and the wisdom sought. Philosophy, thus, stands both, for theoretical knowledge of the nature of life and its conditions, and the practical knowledge of principles of conduct for actual guidance of life. It is systemetic reflection over the entire reality with a view to fathom its misteries. Human life is the most impor tant facet of reality and, therefore, it is one of the most important task of philosophy to solve the riddles of human life.
Philosophy, undoubtedly, according to some philosophers has its own importance for conceptical clearity, but that is not the end-all and be all of philosophy. Infact, it is just a preliminary task. Phosophly
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