veläkhye khalu mantrini priyavrse dāna prasak tau sati mängalyädrikalämite gatavati srivikramät samvati i måse prausthapade vināyakatithau daityejya vāre vare cakre Srigurubhāvatan sumatiyuggharsena caisa muda 11
The city near the Vindhyadri one might again guess to be it. yavali, ne moriern Bijauia in Mewar: this, however, was ruled by the Paramāras, whereas Sumatiharsa's lon! claimed to he l bo This chieftain, Viramadeva, a second Hemādri who beat the Muslims, remains totally obscure to me, though several Rajput rulers bearing this name are known. The date given for the completion of the Ganakakumudakaumudi is Friday 10 August 1621. Within the text are examples for Saturday 21 February 1596; Thursday 11 March 1596: Monday 13 October 1600; Saturday 20 June 1601; Friday 26 September 1617; Tuesday U November 1617: Friday 14 November 1617; Wednesday 29 November 1620; and Tuesday 17 July 1621.
V. A vrtti on the Horāmakaranda of Gunākara. Of this unusual work (it seems to be the only extant commentary on the Horāmakaranda) there is only one extant manuscript, no. 3368 in the Oriental Institute. Baroda, which is incomplete and which I have not as yet been able to consult. Sumatiharsa's interest in the Horāmakaranda is attested to by his citations from it in his výtti on the Sripatipaddhati; it should also be noted that Rajasekhara, the pupil of Buddhisekhara Gani, the pupil of Bhāvšekhara Gani (who is probably the Bhāvasekhara Gani connected with manuscripts 11, 13, and 14 in the list of manuscripts associated with Kalyānasāgara Gani), copied one of the LD Institute's manuscripts (6510) of Gunākara's work in 1678--perhaps from Sumatiharsa's copy.
This raises again the possibility--already apparent in the list of Kalyānasāgara manuscripts-of the existence of a School of jyotihśästrins in the Añcalagaccha during the seventeenth century. Further evidence in this direction is provided by the Mahādevidipika, a vrtti on Mahādeva's Mahadevi (also commented on by Sumatiharşa, though his vịtti is lost) composed by Dhanaraja of the Añcalagaccha at Padmavati in 1635. This Dhanarāja is undoubtedly the scholar who urged Sumatiharsa to compose his Karikä on Haribhadra's Tajikasära, and Padmavati then is identical with the locality in which Sumatiharsa wrote his Subodha. For the Mahadevidipika I have used manuscript 689 at the Oriental Institute, Baroda.
The upasamhāra gives the date, place, and circumstances of Dhanarāja's composition : varse netran avangabhūparimite jyeșthasya pakşe site 'stamyam sadguņaprkthamannarayutе padmavatipattanei räjä hy utkațavairināgadamano rasprodavamśodbhavaḥ sriman srigajasimha bhüpativaro 'sti śrimaror mandale | jaine säsana evam añcalagane satsajjanaiḥ samstute kalyanodadhisürayaḥ śubhakarä nandantu bhūmandale tatseväkarabhojarājaga nayo vidvadvarä väcakā asan sarvasudhimanahkamalinisambodhane bhänavah || khetānam ki purā krtā budhamahadevena yā sārani tasyā daivavidām sukharthajananim vrttim varām vistaram tacchişyo dhanarāja evam akarod dharsena bahvädarair bahvarthaiḥ sahitām ca panditapadăd aptaprasakter guroh ||
In these verses Dhanarāja informs us that he was the pupil of Bhojarāja Gani (called Bhuvanarāja Gani in the colophon), who honoured Kalyānasagara Sûri, the ruler of the Ancalagaccha, and that he
1. CESS A2, 1276-128b; A3, 31b; and A4, 81a. 2. CESS, A3, 124a-124b, and A4, 1176.
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