Five Controlling Factors: A Unity Amidst Varieties
Like other systems of Indian Philosophy, the Budhhist Philosophy starts with the definite problem and devotes itself in finding a suitable solution of it. Its problem is very clear from the statement of Buddha like "I see the beings of this world trembling in the snare of desire passing from one state of existence to another and experiencing the same feeling. Where there is joy, where there is laughter, when all things are burning",1 Such statements make it clear that the state of suffering of the beings attracted the mind of the Buddha and being very much moved by it, he endeavoured for about 45 years of his active life to find out a remedy for this. He wandered throughout the country, met people and gave sermons according to the elevation of mind of the persons' concerned. Being ripe in his experience, he tried to find out a quick and unfailing remedy for this universal ailment of suffering. In this context, we find several solutions prescribed by him. Among them there is one which appears to be a very effective remedy and that is the practice of the five-fold controlling factors (Pañcindriya bhavana). This is an independent practice for bringing harmony not only in the present life but in the life to come and also helpful in realization of the Summumbonum of life, i.e., Nibbana.
The five controlling factors are the following:
1. Faith as a controlling factor (Saddhindriyam).
2. Energy as a controlling factor (Viriyindriyam).
3. Mindfulness as a controlling factor (Satindriyam).
4. Concentration as a controlling factor (Samadhindriyam).
5. Understanding as a controlling factor (Paññindriyam).
These five factors appear in the list of Bodhipakkhiya-dhammas twice, once as controlling factors (indriyas) and again as powers (bala). They function in controlling the mind and directing it to the right direction in making a smooth way-faring, beginning from the moment of practice till realization of Nibbana. They also function as power in exercising predominent influence on mind in a particular state. The difference of the two may be understood there in two-fold functions namely, right direction and proper maintenance of the mind in spiritual pursuit. In this context when we speak of the practice of five controlling factors, we examine their function in controlling and regulating the mind.
Prof. Mahesh Tiwary
Before going into detail of the practice, it seems desirable to add few words about the purpose of such controlling. It is said that the mind is luminous, pure and free from stains in its nature, but it is polluted by in-coming polluting factors. They arise again and again and put the coverings on the mind and as such, it looses its natural form. It is then bewildered and fall in the strong snare of ignorance, generating various types of sufferings for itself. Therefore, with a view to remove the covering of defilements from the mind and help it to emerge in its pure form, there is the need of a practice and for this, there is a practice of the five controlling factors.
1. Sn. 389, D.P. 31.
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