શાશ્વત સૌરભ ભાગ-૧
Puhalluin auld H 9, Heia H17 UR SPRUHY હતો અને જેમને તમામ ઇન્દ્રિયો ઉપર વિજય પ્રાપ્ત કરેલો તે મહાવીર છે.
---Kaka Kalelkar Bhagwan Mahavira rejuvenated the Jain religion and re-established its supremacy. His preachings led people back to Jainism, causing a wave non-violence and renunciation. A number of kings, men and women renounced the world and adopted the way of life of an ascetic. Not only Jain religion got rid of meat-eating but even Vedic religion too accepted the creed of non-violence and a majority of Hindu population turned to vegetarianism.
ભગવાન મહાવીરના ઉપદેશોએ અહિંસા અને દીક્ષાની જબરદસ્ત હવા ઊભી કરેલ, જેના પ્રતાપે અનેક રાજાઓએ અને સ્ત્રીપુરુષોએ સંસારનો પરિત્યાગ કરી ચારિત્રધર્મ અંગીકાર કરેલ. એમના જ પ્રતાપે હિંદુઓ માંસાહાર ત્યાગમાં દઢ બન્યા.
pia het feit Pesit sifat R BA BHI को अपनाने से ही शांति मिलेगी।
राष्ट्रपति श्री फरवरुद्दीन अली अहमद
भगवान महावीर के सिद्धान्त आज भी उतने ही उपयोगी है जैसे पहले थे। हमे शांति केवल मनुष्यों में ही नहीं बल्कि प्राणी मात्र में लानी है और वह शांति स्थापना भगवान महावीर के मूल मंत्र अहिंसा और अपरिग्रह से ही संभव है। मैं बच्चों और नई पीढ़ी से अपील करती हूँ कि वह भगवान महावीर के सिद्धांतों को अपने जीवन में उतारें। आज युवक-युवतियों और समस्त देशवासियों क कर्तव्य है कि चरित्र निर्माण की दिशा में हम जागरूक हों। जीवन में संयम अपनायें। राष्ट्रीय चरित्र निर्माण की जिम्मेदारी जनता और सरकार दोनों की है। इसमें हमें अपने कर्तव्यों को पहचानना है और उसका अमल ही भगवान महावीर के प्रति हमारी सच्ची श्रद्धांजलि atti
प्रधानमंत्री श्रीमती इन्दिरा गांधी If the political leaders of the world follows the message of anekant preached by Bhagwan Mahavira 2600 year ago, then surely peace can be established in the world. It is a sin if we think one thing for ourselves and another for others. I believe that if people understand Mahavira, accept his point of view and propagate his ideals, then peace and harmony will prevail in the world.
રાજનેતાઓ જ પ્રભુવીરના અનેકાંતને સ્વીકારે તો આખા વિશ્વમાં શાંતિ થઈ જાય.
-National Poet Dinkarji What does the word Mahavira stand for? The one who destroys the evils, protects the world and premeates the universe is a Mahavira. Mahavira is he who is devoted to his mother, who abandons all wordly comforts, who has compassion for all living organisms and who has triumphed over all his senses. Mahavira is one who realises the ideals and virtues envisaged by the Aryan race. One who triumphs is a veer and one who triumphs over outer and inner selve is a Mahaveer. Veer means Arya, Mahaveer means Arihant.
જે પાપોનો નાશ કરે, વિશ્વની રક્ષા કરે એ મહાવીર છે. જેઓ માતૃભક્ત હતા, જેમણે તમામ ભૌતિક સુખની
--Kishorilal Mashruwala In my view the eternal value of Mahavira is that he attained the highest level of spiritually. He was reborn spiritually through his inner vision. Celibacy, truth, non-violence, selfconfidence and compassion for all were incarnated in him. He wedded those values of eternal religion of the world.
| મારી દૃષ્ટિએ પ્રભુ મહાવીરે આત્માની સર્વોચ્ચદશાને પ્રાપ્ત કરી હતી. બ્રહ્મચર્ય, સત્ય, અહિંસા, આત્મવિશ્વાસ અને જીવમાત્રની કરુણાના તેઓ જાણે અવતારી હતા!
-Dr. Vasudevsharan Agrawal Gujarat is heavily indebted to Jain religion. Jains have preserved the past of Gujarat. When Gujarati literature was in disarray, Jain munis kept the flame burning by preventing it from getting extinguished. The entire society, not only Gujarat, owes a great deal of debt to Jains. Buddhism and Jainism were the only two religions which propagated non-violence, loud and clear. Jain religion is the only religion today which is synonymous with compassion. Western poets like Tennyson had a vision : A time will come when swords will be hammered into ploughshares. The preachings of Jain munis may not have hammered
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