341448. ) Nyāya-Kusumānjali. Karman. But this belief is not sound for Murta medicinco do produce favourable or unfavourable effoots on Amurta knowledge; so it is quite reasonable to believe that Karman can operate on Jiva. " When Lord Mahavira further said that it was impossible without admitting Karman to acco. unt satisfactorily for the anomolies of the world such as the differences of rank, fortune, intelleot, eto., Agnibhuti became convinced and he too became his disciple.
When Vayubhuti came to know that two of his brothers had been consecrated, he thought that Lord Mahavira must be really omniscient and so it would be better for him to approach him and to get his doubts removed. He thereupon came to him who said, “ You think that Jiva cannot be different from Sarira as you fail to grasp the correct meaning of the S'ruti fantTTTT......... TTT
ETSealfa." Lord Mahavira then explained to him the correct meaning and further convinced him by pointing out the S'ruti qe futfaÅT: TESTAT सत्येन तपसा ब्रह्मचर्येण वा लभ्यः ' which meant that the pure Jiva, the embodiment of lustre was realised by truth, penance and colibaoy. So he joined the holy order.
When Vyakta learnt that Lord Mahavira had fully convinced the three well-verged Brahmanas he approached him for clearing his doubts. Lord Mahavira said to him, “ Vyakta, you doubt the existence of elements- earth, water, fire
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