[ 444Moksha means the separation of Karmas from the Jiva, resulting from right knowledge, right belief and right conduct.” On hearing these words of Lord Mahavira, Mandika was completely satisfied and he took Diksha.
Lord Mahavira spoke to Mauryaputra who then came to him “ You doubt the existence of gods. The Sruti “ i fyrarfa ATTITARE vitafurनिन्द्रयमवरुणकुबेरादीन् ” is misinterpreted by you to mean that who believes in the illusory ( Mayopama ) gods--Yama, Varuna, Kubera and others. Here the word Mayopama is used to denote the mortality of gods and not to deny their existence. Moreover, you believe that gods do not exist as they are not seen coming or going; but this is not quite acceptable, for they do come at the time of the Kalyanakas of the Tirthankaras and also when some other necessity arises; but they are not generally seen here as they are usually engaged in listening to sweet music, in sport with damsels etc., and as they are unable to endure the terrible smell of mankind. Even the Sruti " QE TITET THATनोऽञ्जसा स्वलोकं गच्छति " corroborates the same statement that gods do exist, for it means that the sacrificer who wields the weapon of sacrifice quickly goes to heaven.” Moreover, when Lord Mahavira asked him to see the gods Indra and others sitting in his Samavasarana, he was fully convinced and so he too took Diksha with all his disciples.
Lord Mahavira said to Akampita, “ You think that there exists nothing like hell, for you take the
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