२०५४ Nyāya-Kusumānjali અભાવને લીધે નીચે આવતા નથી, તેમજ વળી પ્રેરક અભાવ હેવાથી मनी ति गति ५ थ/ नहि."--२१ वर्त्तन्ते, त्रिजगत्स्वरूपविषयानन्तप्रवोधात्मका
विज्ञानावरणस्य निहणनतो नाशाच्च दृष्टयाहतेः। अन्तागोचरदर्शनप्रसृमरप्रोद्भासरूपं गता
मोहस्य प्रलयात् गता अनुपमे सम्यक्त्व-चारित्रके ॥२२॥ सौख्यं वीर्यमनन्तमप्युपगता वेद्यान्तरायक्षयेऽ
मूर्त्तानन्तविगाहना प्रलयतो नाम्नश्च गोत्रस्य च । आयुष्कस्य निशुभ्मतोऽक्षयगति सम्प्राप्तवन्तः पुनः सिद्धास्तत्र महेश्वरा इति भवेदेषा परा निर्वृतिः ॥ २३ ॥
युग्मम् । That is (Para-Mukti) the second type of libera. tion which the great lords, the Siddhas enjoy- the Siddhas who have, acquired (the eight qualities ) (i) infinite knowledge shedding light on all the objects of the three worlds and (ii) infinite perception by destroying the Jnanavaraniya and Dars'anavaraniya Karmans, who have attained. (iii) the matchless Samyaktva and Charitra by annihilating the Mohaniya Karmans, who have secured (iv) infinite happiness and (v) power by destroying the Vedaniya and Antaraya Karmans, who have attained (vi) Amurttata and ( vii ) infinite Avagahana* by annihi
* Avagahana means interpenetrability. In virtue of this quality one liberated soul can allow others to exist without obstruction, just as the light of one lamp does not prevent the interpenetration of the light of other lamps.
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