748. ] Nyaya-Kusumnānjali.
Notes:- In this and the following verses, the author establishes the existence of the soul and shows that it is distinct from body and senses.
If consciousness is considered an attribute of body, it should be found even in a dead body. Some persons give a reply to this statement by saying that as there is non-existence of loveli. ness in a dead body, so there can be absence of consciousness. This reply is incorrect for at times loveliness is found in dead bodies. Hence it follows that the belief that consciousness is an attribute of body can be examined in two ways.
(1) When loveliness is admitted as existing in a dead body, it must be stated why coneciousness is not found in it, even though loveliness exists therein. The only possible answer is that there is some other cause than the body for consciousness. Hence is establishad the existence of the soul.
(2) When the existence of loveliness is denied in a dead body, it obviously follows that body is not the sole cause of loveliness and so there must be some other cause. This proves the existence of the soul.
ચૈતન્ય શરીરવૃત્તિ ન હોઈ શકે; કારણ કે નહિ તે જ્ઞાનાદિક શિવમાં (મડદામાં) પણ હોવું જોઇએ. “ જેમ મડદામાં લાવણ્યાદિકનો સંભવ નથી તેમ જ્ઞાનાદિને સંભવ નથી ” એમ ન બોલવું; કેમકે લાવણ્ય તેમાં હોઈ શકે છે. અન્યથા એમ ને માનો તે ચૈતન્યની જેમ લાવણ્યને
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