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वाक्यं मान-नयस्य चानुगतवत् स्यात् सप्तभङ्गीमिहै
कस्मिन् वस्तुनि चैकधर्मविषयप्रश्नादनिर्बाधया। व्यस्तत्वेन सयासतोऽपि च विधिव्यासेधयोः कल्पनात्
स्यायुक्ता खलु सप्तधैव भणितिः सा सप्तभङ्गी स्मृता ॥२१॥
In Jainism, the propositions of Pramana and Naya are considered as being subject to Sapta-bhangi. Sapta-bhangi is the name given to that fault-less seven-fold statement which is limited by the word Syat and which is made either in detail or concisely, affirmatively or negatively, with reference to one single object' while considering one of its attributes. ( 21 )
Notes:-By the word 'fault-less' occuring in the definition of Sapta-bhangi it is to be understood that the statement must not be inconsistent with the Pramanas, Pratyaksha and others. The word
fault-less' serves to avoid the possibility of including the sentences, such as ' FITCerita aft: Tag:,'
FOUTIEF TE À ATAT TETT,' etc., in Sapta-bhangi. If the words one single object' were not mentioned in the above definition, even the sentences like' FerrefeA घटः स्यानास्ति पटः' would have to be considered as constituting Sapta-vhangi. Moreover, there would have been thousands of modes of expression instead of seven, as it is possible to make affirmative or negative predication about every object. A similar purpose is served by inserting the words one of the attributes' in the above definition. The word Eva
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