4948. ] Nyāya-Kusumānjali attributes, but it is used to express another attribute, viz., inexpressibility arising from the impossibility of simultaneuosly stating the two attributes.
Every mode of expression of Sapta-bhangi is again of the nature of Sakalades'a and Vikalades'a. Saptabhangi which is of the nature of Sakalades'a is called Pramana-Sapta-thanyi, while that of the nature of Vikalades'a is termed Naya-Sapta-bhangi.
* Sakalades'a is a statement made with reference to an object of Pramana, expressing simultaneously | Yaugapadyena all the attributes of the object as non-distinct ( really or figuratively ) from one another, from the stand-points of Kala, etc. The l'overse is the nature of Vikalades'a.
In Sakalades'a, Dravyarthika Naya is given the first place and Paryayarthika Naya is considered subordinate, while the reverse is the case in Vikalades'a. When we look upon as non-distinct the attributes of an object from tħo consideration of Kala, etc., it is possible that by knowing one attribute, we may simultaneously know the rest. This explains Yaujapadyena.
By Kala, etc., is meant the eight elements:--- Kala, duration; Atma-rupa, one's own nature, Sambandha, contact; Samsarga, connection; Upakara,
* प्रमाणप्रतिपन्नानन्तधर्मात्मकवस्तुनः कालादिभिरभेदवृत्तिप्राधान्यादभेदोपचाराद् वायोगपद्येन प्रतिपादकं वचः सकलादेशः, तद्विपरीतस्तु विकलादेशः ।
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