(424from his having rashly committed the murders of a Brahmana, a woman, a fætus and a cow-the murders which are considered extremely horrible in this world. He then seriously thought over the question and came to the conclusion that without approaching a Mahatman and without acting up to his advice, it was impossible for him to avert the fate. He determined to abstain completely from stealing. Without caring and waiting for his companions, he started and reached the outer skirts of the village. He then sat under a tree and became indifferent to things round about him. Step by step he began to climb the ladder of Vairagya. When he was thus engaged in holy thoughts, he saw at a distance Charana-munis. Thereupon he shouted out to them to save him and prayed to them that they should have pity on him though he was the very wickedness incarnate. He requested them to take into consi. deration his case, as it was in accordance with their nature. For, it rains everywhere-in a low as well as a high place; and the sun illuminates the house of a Brahmana and that of a Chandala as well. Moreover, a differential treatment can never be expected at the hands of a Mahatman whose nature it is to treat friend and foe alike. Saying so, be approached the Charana-munis and lay prostrate at their holy feet. He tried his best to speak but his throat got choked. The Munis, however, consoled him with sweet words and inquired what the matter was. After sometime he narrated in stammering words bis history and inquired if he could be in any way saved.
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