[ gym Ahimsa Notes:-Ahimsa in its positive form means the largest love, the greatest charity. A true follower of Ahimsa must love even his enemy. He must apply the same rules to the wrong-doer who may be an enemy or a stranger to him as he would to his wrong-doing father or son. Ahimsa includes truth and fearlessness; there is no room for cowardice, as the practising of Ahimsa requires greatest courage. It is the most heroic virtue. It does not displace other virtues but renders their practice imperatively necessary before it can be practised even in its rudiments. A man who really practises Ahimsa has the whole world at his feet and he so effects his surroundings that even the snakes, the venomous reptiles and other terrible animals do him no harm. Some believe that Ahimsa as taught by Jainism is merely a negative precept—" Do not hurt.” But it is not true, for, it is also a positive moral commandment. It says “ Sooth and serve." It is not only, “ Live and let live" but also, “ Help others to live."
From the doctrine of Ahinsa follows as a necessity the ideal of universal peace and it has its votaries all over the world in the highest, the middle and the lowest of the circles. Ahimsa is not merely the Jaina doctrine but it has always been also one of the fundamental doctrines of Hinduism,
Those who consider God as the Creator of the universe must also admit this doctrine. For, bad any
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