[ 2014ventional things are real so far. According to Rijusutra, reality is concentrated to mathematical present. Rijusutra, and the following three Nayas take into account only Bhava Nikshepa* out of the four.
( 5 ) S'abda, the verbal.
S'abda does not take into account the differences in etymology of synonyms but maintains that all synonyms mean one and the same thing. As for instance, according to this Naya, Ghata, Kumbha and Kalas'a are all expressive of one and the same object namely a jar. According to some writers this Naya observes distinctions of gender, number, case, tense, etc., in synonymous words.
( 6 ) Samabhirudha, the subtle.
Samabhirudha observes distinctions between synonyms on etymological grounds. According to this Naya, Ghata, Kumbha, and Kalas'a though synony. mous differ in meaning, as there is a difference in their etymology. As this Naya differentiates terms according to their roots, it may be said to be a special application of the S'abda Naya. It is hence narrower and more exaggerated than the above Naya.
(7) Evambhuta, the such-like.
Evambhuta Naya takes into account the special functions or activities of things and describes them by such words as are justified by their actual activities. It is further specialization of the above Naya.
* For the explanation of Nikshepa, the reader is referred to chap. IV. verse 34.
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