RM43. ] Nyāya-Kusumanjali जीवस्य प्रमितेपुष्परिमिते देन भेदे भत्रे--
नानातेति च मा स्म वोधत पृथग्भावेऽपि रक्तादिना । कुम्भाभेद इवात्मनः परिमिते देऽपि भेदोन यत्
शुद्धाथैक्यरिशिष्टभेदयुगलं घर विरोधं नहि ॥ २४ ॥
Do not entertain a doubt that in admitting that the soul pervades the body only, there will not remain oneness in it, as there will arise a variety in its magnitude in consequence of the body pervaded by it undergoing changes in dimensions. For, just as a pitcher remains the same (as a substance ), though there arises a distinction in it owing to its assuming different colours like reilness, so there will arise no variety in ( the substance of the sonl, in spite of there arising a distinction in it owing to its pervading the body ( that goes on changing in magnitude ), because the coexistence of the couple of the oneness of the original substance and the distinction ( arising through its peculiar attributes) is not inconsistent. ( 24 )
Notes :-Some persons do not believo that the soul has the samo cize as the body, for thoy think that in that case there arises a difficulty as to how the soul which was smell in the small body of a child could increase, when the child grows to mauliood; and similarly how the same soul which in ong birth was of the size of an elephant could in another birth be accommodated in the body of an ant. They believe that this difficulty cannot be avoided by saying that the size of the soul varies; for, in that case, it will
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