. m4lugu horfal.
1941(2) the Samanya-Kevalins. Both of them possess omniscience but on account of his possessing special attributes (Atis ayas) owing to excessive merit and being the propounder of religion, a Tirthankara is considered superior to a Samanya-Kevalin; otherwise as soon as they attain Nirvana, there remains no difference between them. Looking from the point of view of etymology the noble appelation Arhat is applicable to both of them but this is generally applied to the former.
The Jainas are chietiy divided into two sects:(1) the S’vetambaras (white-clad) and (2) the Digambaras (sky-clad). Both the sects have many fundamental points in common. Some of the points wherein they differ are :- The S'vetambaras believe that the omniscient (Jivan-Mukta) take food and women can attain salvation, whereas the Digambaras hold the reverse opinion. According to the former the number of dreams seen by the mother of a Tirthankara is fourteen while according to the latter it is sixteen.
One who establishes a Tirtha is called a Tirth. ankara. A Tërtha means a four-fold collection-male and femalo ascetics (Sadhus and Sadhvis) and gentlemen and ladies (S'ravakas and S’ravikas). It also means Dvadas'angi and as he is the real cause of it, he is hence also called a Tirthankara. Every Tirthankara from his very birth has three kinds of knowledge viz. Mati, Sfruta and Avadhi and is
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