Book Title: Atmanandji Jainacharya Janmashatabdi Smarakgranth
Author(s): Mohanlal Dalichand Desai
Publisher: Atmanand Janma Shatabdi Smarak Trust
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Virchand R. Gandhi in America
instructive lecture before the public school pupils in Free Academy hall last evening. The speaker gave a clear description of the customs and habits of the people of India. He presented many very interesting stereopticon views of the principal cities, the Elephanta and other caves, occupied by monks. The pictures showed the excellent work executed in ancient times. Altogether, these lectures are instructive to both old and young, and should be seen and heard all over America Rochester Democrat and Chronicler,
Sept. 24, 1894. Mr. Virchand R. Gandhi, the Hindu philosopher and scholar, of Bombay, spoke in the First Universalist church last evening to a crowded house. He was introduced by the Rev. Dr. Saxe as one who had represented nobly one of the great religions of India. Mr. Gandhi is a man of extensive learning. He has spent his time since the close of the parliament traveling about, lecturing and studying the industrial progress of this country, and especially the public school system. He is greatly impressed with the fact that in this land the poorest child has edi:cational facilities equal to the richest. There are many fine schools in India, but the fee is so high that the poor cannot take advantage of them.
Buffalo Evening Times, Aug. 13, 1894.
Mr. Virchand R. Gaudhi. the East Indian, who represented. 5,000,000 of his co-religionists at the Congress of Religions, preaches the universal brotherhood of man. He is much farther advanced in the Esoteric Philosophy than the western Theosophists, and gives far nore lucid explanations of the Oriental teachings. The Hindu is decidedly the Lion of the season, The Universalist Messenger, Chicago,
Feb. 10, 1894. The series of lectures on Oriental Philosophy, given by Mr. Virchaud R. Gandhi every Monday evening at the residence of Mr. Chas. Howard, 6558 Stewart Boulevard, are growing more and more interesting. The Subject last Monday evening was the ethical side of th: Yoga philosophy. The treatment given it was eminently scholarly, such as could enanate only from the metaphysical mind of a Hindu. These lectures are listened to by an already cultivated class of people, who concede the fact that these Hindus are the custodians of knowledge pure and simple, and are ever ready and willing to give the key which will unlock the treasure box containing all the mysterious truths that mind can grasp.
Shatabdi Granth )
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