abbhitta- (p.p.) 32 6 13, 52 12 13, 52 14 15, 54 3 13, 59 13 8, 75 6 2,. 75 8 11, 77 8 15, 78 14 14, 82 7 8, 82 12 13, 88 4 15, 99 18 10. { =sanghatļam prāptaḥ (gl.); cf. abbhittha-(obviously an error, misprint or worng reading for abhitta-) cited in PSM, from PV; cf. Vabbhittaoccurring in the same sepse in PC. I., PC. III. Derived from Sk. ā+smit- See Vabhid - and bhid
» Abbhid-'to confront in a battle', 'to encounter": abbhidamla-(pres. p.) 78 16 4; abbhida -( p.p.) 19 19 12; abhhidi( y la (p.p.) 52 15 4, 56 1 2, 75 1 2, 77 3 4, 78 1 2, 83 22 6, 84 4 11, 88 7 16; abbhidivi (abs.) 52 12 15.
[Compare » abbhid= sam gam-, 'to meet' (H. 4 164, Tr. 3 1 100) an: abbhidia- (Pāi. 548). cf. abbhid- occurring in this very sepse in PC.I, II, III, NC., KC. Derived from Sk. -atsmit. See N abbhitta-and » bhid-]
Alayadda--54 15 17 'a water-srake.' (=jalasarpa-(gl.); the relevant passage is "padikanhe kanhahu patthaviu, alayaddu uddamau/ aidīharu kalau pañcaphadu, bhiyaru māranakamaull"'Prativāsudeva sent against Krsna a powerful water-snake, which was long, black, fierce, five-hooded and bent on killing. This word is not recorded by PSM. The word is derived from Sk. alagarda-; cf. MW. alagarda= 'a water-serpent ( the black variety of the cobra de capello) qouted from Susruta.)
Allaa-71 16 8 'wet, moist'; Allallaa - 48 1 9, 93 14 1 'greatly wet.' [=ārdra- ārdrärdra- (gl.); cf. alla-=ārdra-, 'wet' (H. 1 82 ); cf. allaoccurring in this sense in PC. I, PC. III. Derived from Sk. ardraSee Pischel § 111 and $294.]
Allaya--31 24 4 'Aerrboa Carambola' or 'ginger'. = karamara- (gl.). According to the commentator allaya- is equivalent to karamara-, that is, karmaraka- In the context the meaning 'ginger' also fits in well. The relevant passage is - "dahiolliu allaya-misiyaŭ bhoyanu"-'the meal moist with curds and mixed with ginger'. cf. PSM. allaya-=ārdraka-, 'ginger'; cf. M. ala-, Kon. alle= 'ginger’. kara. mara-is found at MP. 9 10 9 and at PC. II 50 11 10, 51 2 3; as karimara -at PC. I 3 1 8 is derived from Sk. ārdraka-'ginger.')
10. Allaya-dala-85 14 8 'a slice of ginger.
[The commentator appears to have taken allaya-dala— in the sense of patra-bhajana–, 'a leaf cup' or 'a green leaf', as sometimes a plantain-leaf is used as a dish or plate even to this day. But the in.
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