in support from Bh.; cf. pāniyahāri- occurring in this sense in PC. II; cf. Hi. panharan, G. pani haran- 'one who brings water-pots on her
head';. connected with Sk. pāniya-+-hārikā-] 147. Param 47 7 4 Sea, ocean'.
[=samudra-; (gl.); the relevant passage is - "paraṁ pandura-paniyaphāram''- 'the ocean full of whitish water'; cf. PSM. pārāvāra- =samudra-; cf. MW. pārāvāra= 'sea' (Prasannarāgbava ) and akūpāra-= 'sea' (Vājasaneyi Samhita). Possibly connected with Sk, apāra-, 'boundless' and
bence 'the ocean'] 148 Pāhuda-1 15 10, 25 9 11, 29 3 2, 36 2 13,69 15 5, 70 20 6, 71 15
8, 88 14 12, 93 2 12 'a gift, a present'. [=prabhịtam (gl.); cf. pahuda-=prābhịta- (H.1 131, Pai. 766); Hemacandra at D. 6 41 notes pahuda as a tadbhava- from Sk. prābhtam; cf, pahuda- occurring in this very sense in JC., NC., PC. I, Bh,
and Sam. K.; derived from Sk, prabhytam-, an offering, a gift.] 149. Pil - 'to squeeze, to wring out':
pilijjai (pass. 3.s) 17 14 5,88 19 7. [The relevant passages are-1) "pilijjai terau ucсhucāu, rasu pijjai khajjai gulu susãu" (17 14 5)- 'Let your bow of sugar-cane be crushed, let people drink its juice or let (them) eat the sweet raw sugar'. (2). "jasu pāyadhūlivi vamdijjai, tahu ollaniya kim na pilijjai” (88 19 7), 'why not squeeze the bathing garment of one, even the dust of whose feet is worshipped ? !. This root is inherited by Marathi; cf. M. pilne= 'to twist., to wring out, to squeeze, to force out' and pilnī= 'twisting or wringing (as of clothes)'. Derived from Sk. pid-; see
w nippil-.] 150. Pilu—21 6 14a), 74 1 8b) 'a kind of tree, Mustard tree.'
(=vīkşa-viseşa-, piluvykşa-(gl.); Cf. PSM. pilu-= výkşa--višeşa-; cf. pilu occu. rring in NC. at 7 2 6 in this very sense. For a discussion of the word pilu see notes on NC.' The context in NC. and in MP. 74 1 8b) suggests the camels ( karabha ) are fond of pilu. See Karabha. stakaṁ in Anyoktyaştaka Sangraha. ' pilu- is connected with Sk. pilu.
cf. MW. pilu= 'a species of tree' (MBh.). ] 151. Pūla- 78 4 9, 93 10 2 'a bundle'.
[=punja, nicaya (gl.); cf. PSM. pūla-= 'a bundle of straw'; cf. pulaoccurring in this sense at JC. 1 13 6; cf. G. pūlo= 'a' bundle of grass'.
Connected with Sk. pūla-, 'a bunch, a bundle'.] 1. NC., Jain, Hiralal, notes, p. 200. 2. Anyoktyaştaka Sangraha, Trivedi, Pratibba, Bharatiya Vidya Series no. 11, Bombay,
1946. p. 5.
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