2) "lankesaru laikahi gan pi thiu khandhu samoddivi gururana-bharahu" (77 3 14) - "Rāvana having gone to Lankā put his shoulder to the great burden or brunt of the battle.'
3) "jamgha-juyalu samoddiya-thūnau" (7 12 5) - 'the two thighs in the form of erected pillars."
PSM. does not note this. Cf. v samodd- occurring in this very sense in PC. II & PC. III. Seeudd-]
1271. Sarāha -88 23 1 'beautiful,' 'charming'.
[=śobhāyukta- (gl.). See räha- and rāhia-.] 1272. Sareha- 11 23 4 (v.l. sureha-) beautiful'.
[-saśobha- (gl.); cf. M. Surekh-= 'pretty, handsome' See wreh- and
reha-] 1273. Sala - 23 8 6, 37 21 8, 60 15 11 'a funeral pile,' 'a pyre'.
(=ś zvāśayanın, cita, kaşphabhakşaņārtham cita (gl.). The relevant passages are:
1) salu raiu huyisany antyau" (23 8 6) - 'the funeral pile was arranged and fire was brought'. 3) "sala viraiya khandivi viviha rukkha” (37 21 8) - 'the funeral pile was arranged having cut various trees'. 3) "naravai salahi valaggau' (60 15 11)- 'the king mounted the pyre'. PSM. does not note it. The word sala occurs at PC. II 43 8 9 where it is rendered with salaka. From the context it appears to be
citā-, 'pyre'; cf. sala- occurring in this very sense in PC. III.] 1274. Savadam muha- 2 2 12 'facing', 'turned towards', 'in front'.
[=sammukha- (gl.) the relevant passage is - "paramesaru savadammukhu ditthau" - 'the Lord was seen in front'. Cf. savadanmuha-- abhimukha-, 'facing, turned towards' (D. 8 21). Cf, savadanmuha- occurring in this very sense in JC. 2 5 13, 3 31 11, NC., PC.I, PC. III & Bb.; muha- in the word savadaṁmuha goes to Sk. mukha-, savada- is an
obscure element.] 1275 Savāla-77 1 14(v.l. sabana-) 'with a sword'.
(=karavālena khad gena saha (gl.); the relevant passage is - "hala-musalasavāla-tisūla-dhārī” -'carrying a ploughshare, mace, sword and trident'.
vala's in the compound "savāla" appears to be "pala=" which might mean 'a sword'; cf. PSM. palia (D)= khadga-muştis, 'a sword-hilt' and MW. palikā (L)= 'a cheese or butter knife'. Cf. ka ra-pala= 'a sword, scimetar' (Br.K.); cf. G. pāļi = 'a small knife'. See pala=.]
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