Book Title: Mahapurana of Puspdanta
Author(s): Ratna N Shriyan
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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________________ APPENDIX I DESI AND RARE WORDS EXCLUSIVE TO JC. AND NC. 1317. Ambaiya-- (NC.) 8 1 2 (v.1. accaiya-) 'the Campaka bud'. [=car paka-kalikā (gl.); the relevant passage is - "ambaiyahe mahuyaru nau nisannu"- 'The bee did not sit on the Campaka bud'. For det ai's see NC. edited by Jain, Hiralal, notes, p. 202.] 1318. Ukkurada— (JC.) 3 13 18 (v. 1. ukkarada-) 'a heap of sweepings, a dung-heap'. =utkara-samūha-sthāna- (gl.). Obviously utkara - in the glosz stands for avakara-, 'sweepings'. Cf. uk kurudi, ukkuruda--avakara-, rasi-, 'a heap of sweepings' (D. 1 110); cf. also PSM. ukkarada-- asuci-rasi (Supāsanābacariu): Hemacandra also notes mukkuruda- v.1. mugguruda in the sense of rāśi-, 'heap' at D. 6 136; cf ukkaruda- occurring in this senge in PC. III, ukkaradi- in SR. and ukkurudiya- in Mah. āviracaria 5 157; cf. M. ukirda, G. ukardo= 'a dung-hill, rubbish heap'.] 1319. Uccolia – (JC.) 2 6 16 (v.l. ucceli-) 'a foot-wear'. [The editor, Vaidya bas rendered it with upănaha-; the relevant pa. ssage is - "jo para paya uccoliu vahai" - 'who carries other's footwear or shoes'. PSM. does not note it.] 1320. Uppettha- (NC.) 8 8 2 'frightened'. (=unmatta- (gi.); D. 1 129 notes uppittha- in the sense of trasta-, kupita, vidhura- and Pāi. 475 in the sense of akula“; the text in NC. at 8 8 2 is not clear; it appears that here also the meaning is more probably trasta , 'frightened'. uppitiha- occurs in CMC. p. 63, line 6 and Lilāvai (641) in the sense of trasta-.] 1321. Kaditta (NC) 3 12 5 (v.1. kidalla-) 'dice-board'. (=phalakam (gl.); the editor of NC. gives the meaning as kațitrawith a query; PSM. does not note it; cf. kaditta-= 'a technical term of a gambling game called andhika' (PC. III); cf. MW. kața (L)= 'a plank, a thin piece of wood'. ] 1322. „Karayar-'to crow (w. r. to crows)' : karayaramta (pres.p.) (JC.) 1 13 3. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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