'pieces of cloth stitched together' (D.4 7); PSM. notes dandi in the seuse of 'mended rags' and quotes from Ņāyādhammakahā; daṁdikhard z occurs in Caupannamahāpurisacariya on page 321 line 7 in this very sense; cf. G. dāṁdiyu= 'the sound pieces of a used dhoti or saree sewn together, after removing the damaged piece' and M. damd= 'the line or stripe (of a garment) where two pieces are sewn
together'. ] 1076. Daramal - 'to destoy, to pulverize, to crush' :
daramalai (pres. 3.s.) 77 3 6; daramalanta (pres.p.) 73 16 6; daramali(y)a- (p.p.) 12 5 9 (v.l. dalamaliya-), 14 2 1, 28 36 28, 71 12 3 (v.l. daradariya-).
[Compare PSM, » daramal-=marday-, cūsnay-; cf. Ndaramal- occurring! in this very sense in KC., PC.I, II, III; daramal- occurring in Bh. (13 13 10) is equated, with kamp- by the editor on the basis of M. dalamalne = 'to tremble'. But here also the meaning crush, destroy' suits the context. Possibly connected with dar- (to tear') +mal('to crush'). Tagare connects N daramal- with durmad- Cf. Ndal
avatt-.] 1077. „Dalavatt- 'to crush, to pound, to destroy':
dalavattami (pres.1.s) 75 1 8: dalavattai (pres.3.s ) 60 11 12; dalavattivi (abs.) 16 23 6, 35 7 6, 85 8 13; dalavatti(y)a- (p.p.) 15 3 5, 25 12 3, 33 6 12, 37 5 5, 55 8 1, 60 277, 76 7 12, 77 12 24, 84 5 2, 86 7 7. [=khandita-, cūrņam, cūrnita- (81.). PSM. dalavatt-. Cf. Ndalavattoccurring in this very sense in NC., PC. I. II, III, Bh. Cf. G. daļovāto= 'total ruin' and M. dalvatne= 'to trample or tread injuriously' and tal pat- 'ruin, annihilation'. Possibly connected with ~ dal-'to split open' and vatt-= 'to pound with a grinding stone'. Cf. Ndaramal-. See dalavaffana-]
1078. Dalavattaņa-- 22 3 1, 52 15 9, 80 16 5, 84 144, 85 20 5, 88 2 12
'complete destruction,' 'ruin,' 'annihilation'. {=cūrnakarana- (gl.); cf. dalavattana- occurring at NC. 2 7 2 glossed
as cūrņaka-. See » dalavaft-. 1079. Daya- 56 2 8 'a throw or cast of dice, cowries etc.'
[PSM, does not note the word in this sense; In PC. III (haula- is glossed as daya-. See ND. dār= 'a tbrow in dice'. Turner com pajes with this Pers. dāv-= 'stroke or move in a game'. Gf. Hi., M. dau-, Kan. dāya - Kun. day= 'a throw or cast of dice (in a gambling game) :)
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