1186. Mottiyara-- 17 14 7 'adolescent'.
[The relevant passage is - "mahilāņa gohaho moffiyāra” -'an adolescent hero among women'. PSM. does not note this word, Cf. Rajasthāni
mottiyar-= 'a grown-up son'.] 1187. Ramkkol -- 'to dangle about, to swing to and fro':
raṁkholira(agentive) 3 2 1; raṁkholamāņa(pres.p.) 28 24 5. (=vilasanası'a(g1.); the relevant passage at 3 2 1 is as follows: "mehala - ramkholira-ramaniyau" - 'beautiful on account of the dangling girdle'; cf. ramkhol-= dul- 'to swing' (H. 4 48; Tr. 2 4 97; Pai. 532); cf. w ramkhol- occurring in this very sense in NC. PC. I, PC. II & CMC.)
1188. Rāli - 54 10 17 (v.1. rādi) 'a quarrel.
= kalahalgi.); the relevant line is - "ma karahi rāli" -'don't quarrel'. PSM. does not note the word. With the variant reading cf. rāļi= sangräma-, 'a fight' (Ď. 74; Tr. 34 72, 513). C1. äradi- occurring in this sense in Br. K.; cf. MW. rāļi(L)= 'war, battle'. cf. old G. rād= 'complaint due to misbehaviour'; cf. Kon. rali= 'topics full of
complications and confusions'. ] 1189. Raba-/Rāhā- 4 9 1, 5 8 2, 16 10 2, 48 1 16,67 2 12, 85 10 11, 85
25 12, 99 666 'beauty', 'splenduor'.
= sobha sobhayukta-(81.), Cf. raha-= śobhita-, 'adorned' (D. 7 13; Tr. 3 4 72, 776); cf. raha- occurring in this very sense in JC. (1 17 10) & NC. See rāhia- rāhilla- and sarāha-. ]
1190. Rábia-- 32 20 7 'having or possessing beauty'.
[ In the compound "akkhayarāhiu” occurring at 32 207, raha- stands for 'beauty or glory' and rahia- śobhāyukta. The compound can be rendered as 'having inexhaustible beauty or glory'. But the commentator has looked upon it as derived from akşala-trai-tadhi pohand renderd it as 'akşara-dravyasyādhipaḥ'. See raha- and rähilla-. 1
1191. Rāhilla— 73 12 7 'beautiful'.
[= sobhamāna-(g1.): the relevant line is - "pavalarnkurukkera-rahillarüho" - 'the bank looking beautiful on account of the heaps of coralsprouts'; cf. rahilla- occurring in this very sepse iu CMC. Made up of raha-tilla suffix. See raha- and rāhia-. )
1192. Rimcha- 1 14 4, 7 6 7 (v.1. riccha-), 8 8 25, 9 19 8, 14 10 1, 16 13 2,
78 8 1, 86 10 11 'a parrot',
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