and mad aha- are significant. Cf. ladaha-= ramya, 'pleasing, beautiul, lovely' (D. 6117) and madaha-zlaghu, 'small' (D. 6 117) PSM. and Tr. 2 1 30, 73 note ladaha- in the sense of vilasavati stri, 'an amorous woman'. ladaha- occurs in the sense of 'beautiful' in JC.. KC., Bh., Sam. K. & Lilāvai; cf. MW. ladaha-= 'pleasing, beautiful '(Balalrāmāyaṇa) and latabha-- 'handsome, pretty, lovely' (Virkamānkaca
rita). See. madaha-.] 1206. Lampekkha-100 5 13 'a thief'.
[caura- (gl.); cf. a lam pikkha-= cora-, 'thief' (D 7 19); Trivikrama notes lammikka- in the sense of 'a thief' at Tr. 34 72, 143 ; cf. lampikka- occurring in this very sense in PC. II, and lam pikşa- or lampikṣuḥ in Br. K.; cf. Kon. slang lampis-, 'to pilfer, to steal small articles'.]
Lalla--98 11, 29 18 4 'one who stammer, one who babbles or speaks indistinct words.' [asphugavācin (gl.); cf. PSM. lalla-= 'one who speaks indistinct words'. Iu support PSM. quotes Praśnavyākarana Sūtra. D 7 26 notes lallain the sense of sas prhan, eagerly' and nyünam, 'less, in a less degree.' The former, if not both, may be quite different from the present word. Cf. lalla- occurring in the above sense in JC. (2 17 1) & lallura- v.1. lallara- in Chand.; cf. Mw. lallara(L) "Onomatopoetic) 'stammering'" and lalalla 'indistinct or lisping utterance, (Kathāsaritsāgara).]
1208, Lallakka-14 7 5 (v.l. lalakka-), 28 26 2, 54 13 13 'terrible,' fierce'.
Craudra (8.1.); cf. lallakka-= bhimam, 'terrible' (D. 7 18, Pāj. 109). At H. 2 174 lallakka- is given as bhāşa-sabda;- cf. lallakka- occurring in this very sense in JC. (1 15 20 & 3 37 14) Lilāvai & NC., CMC., Chand. In PC. II and PC. III lallaka- is used in the sense of yuddhahvāna nāda-, 'a cry of challenge'; with this cf. G., H. lalakär-, M. lalatkar= 'a cry of challenge, a challenge.'
1209. Lāni --4 5 4, 93 7 3 'a limit, a boundary.'
[maryādā(gl.); the relevant passage at 4 5 4 is - "disalānihe sammuhu sūru jema" - 'like the sun before the boundary of the day.' PSM. does not note it. Cf. lani= maryādā (Jrāneśvari.)]
1210. Lāla-71 13 5 'oue who longs for, ' 'one who desires.'
lalaka(=vāñchaka) (gl.); the relevant line is - "gurukama-lalā'' -'longing for the feet of the Lord' ; PSM does not note it ; cf. lallaşas prham, eagerly' (D. 7 26 ; Tr. 3 4 72, 617) and lalli- occurring
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