The sementic development of the word is - 'besmear, bathe, wash by
Immersing in water, wash away'. ) 224. Vicchula- 71 12 4 'pervaded with,' 'full of'.
[The word goes with 'nandana-vana' and the members of the compound are irregular. The relevant expression is - "saccha-vicchulucchaliyajalakanam (nandanavanan) "- '(the garden ) which was pervaded with clear water spraying up'. cf. PSM, vicchuria-- vyāpta-; cf. vicchulaoccurring in this very sense at JC, 3 2 3 and JC. 3 16 3. At JC. 3 16 3 the expression is - "jharamta-saccha-vicchularbha-nijjharam " '(the garden) pervaded with springs with clear flowing water'. Here also vicchula- qualifies vana-. Connected with Sk. vicchur-, 'besmeat',
'pervade,' and hence 'full of'.) 225. „Vidhapp- 'to earn, to acquire':
vid ha ppai pres. 3. s.) 94 9 12, (=uparjayati (gl.). cf. vid happ-= arj- 'earn' (H. 4 251 ), cf, vid happoccurring in this very sense in PC. I, Bh. vidhapp- is passive from Nvid hav-, Pischel considers it as causative from dha with cerebrali
zation as in saddha=śraddha-. See Pischel § 223 and 286. See vid hatta-, 226. Vidhatta- 16 3 4, 88 7 7 'earned gained,'
Compare vid hatta-= arjitam. 'earned' (H. 4 268). cf. vidhatta- occurring in this very sense in Sam. K. and vitha pita, in Up. K.; vishapitaappears to be a Sapskritisation of Pk, vidhattam. See Pischel S 223, 286 and 565. See vid happ
227. Vimbhala --59 19 6 'perturbed, agitated, distracted,'
(=vihvala-, capala(gl.), the relevant passage is - 'kamda.dambara-damaravimbhalam”- agitated due to the fear caused by the fury of arrows'; cf, PSM, vimbhala-= vihvala-, vyākula-; cf. vimbhala- occurring in this sense
in JC. (2 23 1) and NC. See bhimbhala and bherbhala-] 228. Virāņi(?) 30 16 4 (v.1. cirānt-) 'averse to worldly pleasures' (?)
(For the discussion see cirāni-. ] 229. Virolapa—38 7 3 'the process of churning'.
[=manthanakarma- (81); cf. virol-= manth-, 'to churn' (H. 4 121; Pāj. 555: Tr, 3 1 63); cf. viroluña-- manthaka(PC. II), Connected with Sk.
vilodana-, 'churning'. ] 280. Viviya-76 7 20 'bloomed, fully opened'.
(=vikasita- (g1.): the relevant expression is -“ viviyāņaņa”- fully opened mouths': cf. PSM. vivaya-(D)=vistīrņa- Connected with Sk. vivsta-, 'open'. ]
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