[The relevant passage is "maruddhuya- tingicchi-dhūli-vilittam"- 'besmeared with the pollen-dust raised on account of the breeze'; cf timgicchi- in the same sense occuring in Lilāvai. The word tiñgimchaoccurring at MP. 11 5 6 and 11 6 1 is a proper name of a lake
and does not stand for 'makaranda-,' See tigimchi- and timgiccha-. ] 1062 Tiţikka-- 37 21 10: Tiţikkā- 25 5 8 'a spark.'
[sphulinga- (gl.) ; PSM. does not pote it: cf. tidikka- occurring in the same sense in PC. II, PC. III ; cf. M. tidki= 'a spark' (used in poetry) and tidka- 'sending forth sparks' and G. tankho- 'spark'
and tadko 'sushine.'] 1063. Tumgi-44 3 13 'the night.'
(rātri (gl.) : the relevant passage is- 'tungiyahi virāmai"- 'at the close of the night'; cf. turgī=rātri-, 'the night' (D: 5 14; Tr. 3 4 72, 138); cf. MW. tungi(L)= 'night)
1064. Tuņava--77 8 6 'a sort of durm also known as "jhunkha'.
karata vadya-viseşa (gl.): the relevant passage is-"panava- tunavajhallari-mahāsaran"- "great din of panava tunava and jhallari-” cf. tunaa-= jhunkhākhyastürya-višeşa-, a kind of musical instrument known as jhunkha'(D 5 16). At D. 3 58 jhunkha- is rendered with tunayakhyo vād yaviseşaḥ. tunava- occurring in PC. II is glossed bheri, tunava-also occurs in the above sepse in PC. III. The word tunavanoted by MW. in the sense of 'a flute' does not seem to be conne
cted with this. For the word karata- given in the gloss. see karada-] 1065. Tumdāhi--7 12 7, 10 11 11 'a kind of worm, an earthworm'
(=gandūpada (gl.); the relevent passage at 7 12 7 is- " cira-tuṁdahijala-samruddhau'- '(the body) is full of multitudes of earthworms in
the form of veins' PSM. does not note it.] 1066. Tuppa--20 5 3, 26 1 5, 28 23 9, 52 21 3, 77 10 8,78 2 10, ‘ghee,
a greasy or oily substance'. Sat 26 1 5, 28 23 9 and 52 21 3 tupp- means 'clarified butter or ghee'. At 20 5 3 tuppa- can be taken in the sense of snigdha, 'oily or greasy' and the passage here namely "mayatuppabiñdu" can be rendered as 'greasy drops of ichor (mada)'. The expression at 78 2 10 is- "vasātu p palittam”. Here vasa means 'fat' or 'marrow' and lipta- means 'besmeared'. Desināmamālā records mrakṣita-- ‘anointed, besmeared' and snigdha-= 'oily, greasy' among the several meanings of tuppa-, But neither the meaning 'ghee' nor the meaning markþita- and snigdha- suit our context here. The only alternative is to take tuppa- in the sense of an oily substance' in
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