„Pamell- 'to give up, abandon, leave': pamellahi(pres 2. s.) 22 1 9, 94 3 6; pamellai(pres. 3. s.) 43 2 14; pame. llivi(abs.) 43 9 4, 56 1 15, 60 11 1; pamellia-(p.p.) 43 1 11.
[Compare pamell- occurring in this sense in JC. & PC. III. pra-+
mell- See mell- ] 544. „Paribacch -- 'to know, understand, guess, infer':
parihacchivi(abs.) 5 1 14 (v.1. pariyacchivi); parihacchia-(p.p.) 24 8 6. (=vitarkya, jñata-(gl.); the passage at 24 8 6 is as follows - "cirakan tāvayāru parihacchiu'- 'he came to know the new birth of his beloved of his past life'; cf. padicchiya- occurring in PC. I, glossed as pari. jñata.; PSM. notes pariyacch- in the sense of 'to know' quoting from Bh.; parihacch- is analogically formed from Sk. pari-+-aks, Pk. pari-+-acch-; most probably confused with parihaccha-. ]
Pahucc- 'to suffice'; pahuccai(pres. 3. S.) 2 7 11. (Compare PSM. pahuco-- pra-+bhū-, 'to reach' (H. 4 390); cf. N pahucc- occurring in this very sepse in PC.I, III & Bh. For N.I.A. derivatives see ND. paucnu= 'to arrive'. Analogically formed from Sk. pra-+bhū-]
Picc— 'to ripen, to become ripe': ' piccai(pres. 3. s.) 7 15 3, (v.l. paccai); paccati(pres. 3. pl.) 62 9 7. [=pakuam bhavati, pakvāni bhavanti(gl.). The relevant passages are- (1) "jiha dharanīruha-halu kālē ahava uvāć piccai” (7 15 3) – 'as the fruits of the trees ripen either by time or by effort'; 2) "piccaṁti kalama -kayalı-halai" (62 9 7) - 'the fruits of rice and plantain ripen'. PSM. does not note it. Formed from Sk. pac-, 'to ripen' on the analogy of sic-, 'the sprinkle'. ]
547. ^ Pell - 'to push, to urge, to impel':
pellahi(pres. 2. s.) 9 19 8; pelliya-(p.p.) 1 12 5, 14 11 4. [=prerita-(gl.); cf. PSM. N pell-= pra-tiray-; cf. » pell- occurring in this very sense in JC., NC., PC.I, Bh. See ND. pelnu= 'to push, press, oppress, trample on'. Analogical development of pra-+1,-. See Vuppell-, pellapelli- and pellavelli- ]
548. ^ Pell- 'to torment, to afflict pain':
pellahi(pres. 2, s.) 52 13 13, 52 13 14, 71 16 12; pellai(pres. 3. s.) 71 71, 94 2 11; pelli(y)a-(p.p.) 21 9 2, 21 14 9, 23 7 2; pellivi (abs.) 86 7 29 (v.1. pellavi).
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