743. AYVO 3 3 5, 89 10 13; avvo avvo 85 10 26 ‘an interjection--Oh
mother'. [=he matah (gl. at 3 3 5); cf.avvā=janani, 'mother' (D.1 5); also cf. avvo= sūcana-duḥkha-sambhaşanā parādha-vismayā-nanda-ādara-bhaya-khedavişāda-paścāltāpe-'a particle expressing signification, sorrow, conversation, offence, Wonder, joy, respect, fear, pain, dejection, repentance (D. 1 51; H.2 204). cf. avvo occurring in the above sense in NC. The word appears to be a Kannadı loan; cf. Kan., Te, avva= 'mother.' Alsdorf also connects avvo occurring at 85 10 26 & 89 10 13 with 'mother and compares Sk. amba- and Te. avva-, 'mother, grandmother' (vide Harivamsa purāņa. Glossary).]
Olagg — 'to serve,' 'to pay homage to,' 'to be in attendance': olaggi())a--(p.p.) 6 5 5, 23 12 4, 32 12 7, 45 12 8, 60 26 2, 62 14 4. 76 5 5, 83 16 6, 85 3 3, 92 4 14, 95 9 14; olaggahu (inf.) 9 23 10.
=sevila-(01.); cf. Olugga-v.1.olagga-=sevaka-= 'a servant' (D.1 164); cf. PSM. olagga.-(D)=sevā-= 'service,; olaggia- occurs at 1 2 9 NC. and is rendered with avalagna-; but here also it means 'served, attended up on'; cf.olagga =sevaka (Lilāvai); cf. avalaga-, ulaga and olaga='service', attendance'. (Supplenient to the J.O.I,, Baroda, vol. X.no.2 pp.106, 114 and 115); for various occurrences of the word volagg-avd its derivatives in later Old Gujarati and Rajasthani see "olaṁg sabda ka artha cintan" by Manohar Sharma published in Varadā (Bisau Rajasthan ) vol.4. 1 year Jap., 1961, pp. 78 to 89 and the articles referred there. in. Also see Bbayani's note on the word olamga- in Varadā volume 4. 20.2. April, 1961. Cf.uling-=cakri- and olagņe=sevā (Jñāneśvari). The word seems to be of Kannada origin. cf. Kan. õlaga-- 'service, homage', õlagisu= 'to serve, to pay homage to, to be in attendance and . üliga-- 'work, serviee'. õlagikāra-= 'a servant'.]
745. Kadappa-- 87 6, 14 8 11, 51 11 8, 58 20 5,65 21 9, 66 1 3, 94 23
17 'a tuultitude, mass, cluster, collection, group'. [=sanghäta-, samüha- 31.); cf. kadappa--nikara-='a heap, collection' (D.2 13);= samüha-, kalapa (Tr. 1 3 86); cf. kadappa - occuring in this very sense in Bh., KC., Kams.. Usa. (2 17), Chand, CMC. etc. In all its occurrences in MP. and KC. kadappa is found compounded with phani-phada- or phana-= 'the hoods of serpeni'; cf.G,kada plo= 'a heap a pile'. The word appears to be of Dravidian origin, cf. Kan. kalapu Te. kala pe, Ta. kalappai, M. kalappe= 'a miscellaneous mass or collection and Ta., Mal., Tu. kala ppu= 'inixture'; cf. also Kan. kadanpa--'a mass multitude',]
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