746. Kira-- 7 6 5, 20 5 2, 38 7 4, 83 10 4,95 2 4 'a parrot'."
[Compare kīra-= suka-= 'a parrot' (D. 2 21); cf. kira- occurring in this very sense in JC. (1 3 12, 1 11 10, 3 16 10), NC.. Br. K.etc.; MW. records kira- in the sense of 'parrot' quoted from Vetālapñcavimś atikā; cf. Kon.kīru-- 'porrot'; te word appears to be of Dravidian origin; cf.Kan. kiţi-,giļi-, Ta.,Ma. kili- 'a parrot' and Kan, kiracu- and kiru= 'to scream or cry shrilly'. Kittel derives the word kira- from Diravidian gini, gili, the sound kil- and the Dravidian verbs kisacu, kilir, kiru and cīr. ( See Kannada-English Dictionary, Preface, p,XX, item
no. 41). Cf.-/kilikil-.] 747. Kuda--- 44 4 6; kudaa- 1 9 13 'a pitcher, a water-jar, pot'.
=kudava, ghata-, kumbha- (gl.); Hemachandra considers kuda- in the sense of ghata - as a tadbhava- word from kuta-(D.2 35); cf. kuda occurring in this very sense in GS. and kuta- in Br.K. and Yt.; cf. MW. kufa-(L) in the same sense; the word appears to be of Dravidian origin; cf. Kan. koda = an earthern pitcher or pot'. For the derivation of the word see Karnada- English Dictionary, Kittel ), F., preface.
p. 33, item no. 258. See kulaa..] 748. Kuduva-- 4 10 10 (v.l. kudava-) 'a stick for beating drums'.
[=vādana-kāştha- (gl.); the relevent passage is - "padahullau kuduve chittu tema, jhandhotti dotti rau huyau jema'' - 'che drum was beaten by the stick in such a manner that a sound like "haîndhottidotti" was emitted': not recorded in PSM.; the word appears to be a Kannada loan; cf. Kan. kudu pa= 'a stick etc. for beating drums, striking the cords of the lute etc., a fidale-stick'; and Kan. verb kudu-= 'to
bent, to give forth or emit a sound'.] 749. Kurara- 62 3 6 'a ram, a sheep'.
(=mesa- (gl.); PSM. records kurari- in the sense of meşi- quoting from Rambhā-mañjart; cf. kurari- paśue = 'an animal' (D.2 40); cf. MW. kurari-(L)= 'an ewe. The word seems to be of Dravidian origin: cf. Kan, kurari= 'an ewe, a sheep' and Kan., Tu, kuri, Ta., Mal. kori= 'sheep, ram' and Kan. kuruba-= 'a shepherd'. The usual sense of kurara, in SK, is 'osprey'. It is different from this kurara..]
750. Kurula - 29 28 4 'a lock of hair'.
[=kuntala- (gl.); the relevant expression in the text is "kurulolinili''the row of dark blue locks of hair'; cf. kurula-= kutila-keśa-= 'curly hair' (D. 2 63); cf. kurula- occurring in this sense in JC. (4 2 12), Bh., Yt. etc.; cf. MW. kurula (L)= 'a curl or lock of hair (especially on the forehead)'; cf. M. kurul-, Kon. kural-='hair curled, formed in
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