978. Cboha- 17 1 6 'casting (w. r. to glance)'.
(=vikșe pa-(gl.); the relevant passage is- "arunacchi-choha-ramjiyadiyamtu"- 'the horizon tinged by the casting of glance by Aruņa (in the form of dawn)'; cf. choha-=viksepa-, 'casting, scattering' (D. 3 39) and » chuh-=kşip-, 'to throw' (H. 4 143). The expression "acchichoha" is equilvalent to Sk. akşi-vikşe pa-, 'casting a glance'. ]
979. Jadi(y)a- 1 16 6, 6 1 3, 7 12 4, 7 22 13, 7 26 9, 9 27 7, 21 13 7,
28 17 17, 32 2 7, 35 12 5, 36 19 12, 54 17 3, 57 10 6, 71 17 1, 73 19 11, 74 11 4, 76 9 10, 77 13 12, 78 18 14, 82 3 11, 85 16 18, 85 19 11, 88 23 7, 94 11 8 'inlaid, studded'.
[Compare jadia-=khacita , 'inlaid, studded' (D.3 4 1); cf. jadia- occurring in the same sense in NC., PC, I. For the N.I.A. derivatives see ND. jarnu= 'to set (jewels), inlay'. Bloch compares Dravidian forms, Kan. jadi, Ta, sadei= to drive in as a nail'. Kan. jadda-, Te.
jadde= 'union, nearness'.] 980. Jampāņa— 7 1 7, 77 8 3, 83 8 7, 84 52, 88 6 12 'a palanquin'.
[=palakhi iti dest (gi.); cf. PSM. jampana= yanavišeşa, śibikavišeşa-; cf. jampāņa- occurring in the same sense in JC. (3 27 1), NC., KC. PC. I, PC. III & Bh.: cf. yāpyayāna= 'palanquin' (Prabandha Kośa) yapyayāna- is a Sanskritisation of Pk. japāņa-; cf. MW. jampāng'a sedan chair' (Jain); cf. Hi. jhappan= 'a kind of cot used by moun. taineers for carrying men etc'. For the word palakhi given in the gloss see Appendix.]
981. Jalajamjala- 78 20 3 'a tank'.
(=ladāga- (gl.) The relevant expression is- "vanaviyaliyalohiya-jalajaînjalu”- 'a tank of blood oozed from the wounds'. It is not recorded by PSM. jalajarjala- appears to be equivalent to jalasaya- jamjala- is not known from any other source.]
982. Jāuda - 28 1 3; jāudaya 62 5 10 (v.1. jāuduya - ), '(saffron) produced
in the Jaguda country ?. [=kunkuma- (gl. at 62 5 10), jauda-deśa- (gl. at 28 1 3). It is not noted by PSM. cf. MW. jaguda-(L)= 'saffron'. Kittel also records jāguda in the same sense. See jadila.]
At 28 1 3 and at 62 5 10 the words jāuda- and jadila- occur compounded. At the earlier occurrence the compound is rendered as
jauda-desot pannam kunkumam". From this it follows that jauda- is the name of the country and jadila= (jațila-) meant 'saffron.' The jāuda country must have been famous for its saffron. This is further
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