clattering'; cf. ghavaghav- occurring in this sense in PC. I & II; Nghavaghau- made up of two constituents of ghava- is used in PC. I & II in the context of masses of water.]
638. Gharughurana- 91 15 1 'grunting of wild swine'.
(Compare Nghuruhur- occurring in JC. (2 27 9) w.r.to bogs; cf. Nghurugghur-= 'grunt (w.r.to pigs)' (PC. II); cf. MW. ghurghura-= 'growling (of a dog or cat)'; cf. M. ghurghurne= 'roar, growl, snarl'.]
639. VCarayar- 'to emit a cara-cara sound while splitting or rending
(w.r.to skin)': carayarašnta (pres. p.) 60 11 3. (Compare M. carcar-= 'Imitative of the sound of rending, splitting, tearing', carcar= 'imitative of the sound proceeding from a body under a violent rending or tearing' and G, car-carr 'imitative of the
sound made in tearing or cutting cloth, skin etc.'.] 640. »Calacal, 'to dangle (w.r.to festoons)':
calacalanta- (pres. p.) 46 2 7.
Compare calacalamti= 'sound of the entrails' (NC.), see N calaval, 641. Calaval- 'to agitate,' 'writhe,' 'flutter,' 'move trera ulously':
calavalai (pres.3.s.) 85 16 21 (w.r.to serpents); calavalamti (pres.3.pl.) 39 12 8 (w.r.to waves); calavalañia-(pres.p.) 14 8 13 (v.1.calacalamta-) (w.r.to serpents), 50 5 9 (w.r.to birds); calavali(y)a-(p.p.) 28 36 6 (w.r.to banners), 29 5 3 (w.r.to banners), 29 54 (w.r. to water), 70 12 3 (w.r.to fishes).
Compare PSM. calavalana-D= cañcalata ; n calaval- v.l. ✓ calacal- occurs in IC. at 4 7 5 w.r.to câmaras ; cf. calavalamta- 'fluttering of ba ners' (NC.); cf. calaval- "writbe ( of serpents )' (PC.I); cf. M. calval-= 'political agitation'; cf. G. calvaļ='agitation' and calval-vu= 'to fidget'; cf. ND. calbal= 'movements, restlessness' and calcal-= 'fidgeting'; see w calacal-1
642. Cikkarapa- 77 84 'giving out creaking or rattling sound (w.r.to
(PSM. does not note it. cf. MW. cătksti= `rattling'. (Bālarāmāyaṇa).] 643. „Chimka- 'to sneeze':
chimkia-(p.p.) 73 26 9 (v.1.chakkia- v.1.chikkia -). [Compare chikka-=kṣuta-, 'sneezing' (D.3 36); cf. MW. chikkā(L)= 'sneezing'. See ND. chik-= 'sneeze'. Made up of the onomatopoetic element chiñn and Pk. kia derived from Sk. krta- See chirka-below.)
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