kadhakad hai (pres. 3. s) 3 20 17; kadhakadhamta (pres. p.) 88 8 4. [=kvätham kurvan (gl.); cf. kadhakadhamla=kvathan (krodhena jualan) (Bh.); cf. G. kad kad tu= 'boiling (of water etc:), kadh-vu= 'to boil violently', cf. M. kadhne= 'to undergo heating or boiling-milk, oil, butter, wax and similar unctuous or semi-solid substances'; derived from Sk.
kvath-, Pk. kadh 'boil'; see » kadhakadhakadh-] 612. „Kadhakadhakaờh- 'to burn intensely. to be scorched (w. r. to
limbs)' : kadhakad hakadhaħti (pres. 3. pl.) 72 7 3. (=atiśayena dahanti (g1.); cf. W kadhakadhakadh-= 'boil intensely' (PC.
II); see » kadhakadh-.] 613. „Kaṇaran—to give out sweet notes (w. r. to lute)' :
kanaranaṁta (pres. p.) 2 2 11.
[Combination of Sk. kvan, and ran-] 614. „Kaņiran 'to jingle', 'tinkle (w. 1. to tiny bells of the anklets)':
kaņiraņiya- (p. p;) 1 16 4.
[Compare kanaranamti= 'jingling of anklets' (NC.).] 615. „Kalayal-'to coo', 'cry' :
kalayalanti (pres. 3. pl.) 39 1 6 (w. r. to cuckoos), 39 12 7 (w. 1. to flamingos).
[Compare kalakal-.] 616. „Kasamas-'to produce a creaking sound, to emit a rattling
sound' : kasamasamti (pres. 3. pl.) 35 9 3 (w. r. to bones while breaking); 57 21 10 (w. r. to food while chewing), 77 3 9 (w.r.to breaking or splitting of umbrellas); 78 16 11 (w. r. to saddles breaking).
[See kasamasatti.] 617. Kasamasatti-30 4 10 'with a creaking sound produced while munch.
ing', 60 9 12 'emitting a rattling sound while being crushed or pulverized with the teeth'. T=bhakşana-prakāra anukarane (gl.); cf. the word kasarakka-=kasaratkacarvana-sabda- recorded by Hemacandra in his grammar at 8 4 423 to mean chewing' and noted by PSM. as Desi; cf. kasamasanti= 'breaking of spears' (NC.).] The word kasamasatti occurs in JC. at 3 14 2. In the Index to JC. kasamasatti is connected with kşsa+sakti and the word is taken to
be equivalent to durbala-- 'weak'. But the context in which the
1. See Jasabaracariu, Vaidya, P.L, , Karanja, 1939, Glossary Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only