fits well in both the occurrences; cf. cakkala-= varlula- 'round', 'viśāla-, 'exter sive' (D. 3 20; Tr. 2 1 30, 112); cf. cakkala- occurring in this very sense in PC, II, Bh., CMC. (P. 186, line 4) and paricakkaliya.
in PC. I. cakkala- is Sk. cakra- extended with -la- suffix. ] 476. ^ Caccikk-to anoint, besmear':
caccikkiya-(p.p.) 12 12 4 (v.1. ciccikkiya-).
[The relevant expression is -"panka-caccikkiya" - 'besmeared with mud': cf. caccikka-= mandita-, 'adorned' (D. 3 4), caccikka-= vile pana-(H. 2 174) and caccā= sthāsaka-, 'perfuming the body with fragrant unguents' (D.3 19): cf. also caccikka-- sthāsaka, (Tr. 1 4 121, 88); caccikkiyaoccurs in this very sense at JC. 1 9 5 and the relevant expression is, "kaddama-caccikkiya"- 'besmeared with mud'; cf. caccikkiya- and caccikkaoccurring in PC. II, PV., caccikka- in Lilāval, caccañkiya- in PC. I and SR. and carc-, 'to anoint' in Tri. II. V caccikk, is derived from Sk. N carc-t-ikk- suffix. Compare MW, carcita= 'smeared with, covered with' (MBh.), carcana(L)= 'laying on (unguent)' and carcikya (L)= 'smearing the body with unguents.' The last one is but a
Sanskritisation.) 477. Cukk-'to flee from, to escape unharmed, to miss, to stray or
wander' : cukkahi(pres. 2. S.) 69 13 23, 88 9 11; cukkai (pres. 3, S) 4 8 5, 5 2 9. 10 13 13, 11 3 14, 14 8 6, 16 18 10, 18 2 1, 38 19 14, 46 11 2, 47 11 2, 49 10 12, 51 1 12, 54 11 9, 54 17 12, 60 8 3, 60 8 10, 70 72, 71 9 7, 71 14 4, 72 12 8, 74 16 13, 75 7 11, 76 3 12, 81 14 13, 92 18 3, 92 21 12, 102 5 7; cukkahu(imp. 2. pl.) 7 9 12; ; cukkanta (pres.p.) 74 14 10; cukkaa- (p.p.enl.) 98 20 3.
Compare cukkəbhrams-, 'be lost, fall' (H.4 177); cf. N cukk- occurring in this sense in JC. (2 14 7), NC., KC., PC. I, PC. III. For the N.I.A. derivatives see ND, cuknu= 'to overlook doing something, be in fault, miss'. N cukk, is connected with Sk. cyu-, 'to fall, drop
down, slip't-kka- suffix.] 478. Celi(y)a- 3.4 7 (v.l.celaa-), 35 18 5 'a particular kind of cloth, a
garment'. (=vastrašaţi, phali (?)(g1.). The relevant passage at 35 18 5 is-" pujjivi celiya-rayanaharaņa-visesahi "- 'honouring with garments and jewelled ornaments': cf. PSM. celiya-syastra-; cf. celia- occurring in this sense in TC.. PC. l; cf. MW. celika= 'a corset, bodice' (Padma Purāņa). For the word phali- given in the gloss see Appendix. celiya. is copnected with Sk. cela-, 'a garment't-ika- suffix. Chatterji observes
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