231. Visa—85 4 7 'water'.
[=pānīyaṁ ( gl.); cf. PSM. visa-- 'water'. Connected with Sk. vişa“,
'water'. (Naighantuka).] 232. Visatt- 'to bloom,' 'blossom,''be horripilated,' 'split open,' 'burst
open,' disintegrate':
visaffai (pres. 3.s) 14 5 9, 18 15 5 24 14 10, 38 6 2, 65 20 3, 77 3 6, 78 1 7, 87 17 10, 92 2 9; visattivi (abs.) 30 20 3; visatta- (p.p.) 14 1 14, 40 8 11 (v.l. visaddha-), 52 9 5, 52 14 14. 73 13 4, 78 27 18, 91 8 9: visattaq-(p.p.enl.) 28 1 9.
(=sphugati, vikasati, bhagna-, vikasita-, ullasita- (gl.); at 30 20 8 visattivi is loosely rendered with prakampya: bere also, 'bursting or splitting' fits the context; the relevant passage is -"natthau bhaya-bhāvena- visattivi"" bursting with fright he ran away'. At 28 1 9 the commentator has rendered visattaa- with "prasara-"; primarily » visati- means vi+kas-, 'to bloom' and secondarily we can take it in the sense of prasara-, as the bud on blooming spreads itself with its petals splitting apart. Compare PSM. visaffa- (D)= vikasita, praphulla 'bloomed, blossomed'; cf. visatt-= di-+kas-, 'to open, expand' and visati dal 'to split (H. 4 176; Pāi. 810; Tr. 31 118); cf. visatt- occurring in this very sense in PC. I, II, III, Kams; visatļa- is derived from Sk. viststa'opened.' See visattaña-]
233. Visattana-50 5 8 'bursting, splitting'.
(See Nuisattabove.]
234. Vihāna-20 23 11 'dawn, morning'.
(=prabhata-(gl.); cf, vihāna-=prabhata-, 'dawn' (D. 7 90 ); cf. vihānayaoccurring in this very sense in PC. I, II, III; cf. G. vahāņu, Hi. bihān= "early morning, dawn, day-break'. Connected with vi+bha- 'to shine' and vibhāt-s'shining (applied to uşas).]
235. Vin-'to glean', 'pick up one by one,' 'gather':
vīņai (pres. 3. s.) 57 3 5; viniya-(p.p.) 15 1 9. [=prārthayati (gl.); the relevant passages are-1) “kāņaņi kāyāņamtiya vīņai” (57 3 5)- "picks up guñjās in the forest': 2) "vīniya vellihalõi " ( 15 1 9) picked up fruits of the creepers'. PSM. does not vote it. vinarta occurs in JC. at 2 27 6 and is rendered by the editor with vādayan'. 1 The relevant passage here is – "vīņamtai taru-vella-halāi"-picking up
fruits of trees and creepers'; so we can taken vin- in the same sense 1 See Jasabaracariu, Vaidya, P.L., Karanja, 1931, Glossary.
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