blown flower' (Kālikā Purāņa); cf. G., M., Hi., Kon. phul- 'a flower'. In Sk. phulla- is used in the sense of 'bloomed, blown. See pahulla-.] 402. Bambhahara 38 7 5, 44 4 6, " a lotus'.
[=kamalam (gl.). The relevant passages are-1) "hamsahi ṇava-bambhaharanisannahi"-(38 7 5)-' with the swans reclining on the fresh new lotuses'. 2) "disai viyasiu bambhaharayaru" (44 4 6) (a pond) with full-blown lotuses was seen'. cf. bambhahara-kamalam, 'a lotus' (D. 6 91). Trivikrama notes bambhahara-in this sense (Tr. 3 4 72, E1). The word bambhahara- is connected with Sk. brahma-gṛha-, 'the abode of god Brahma'. Brahma has several epithets in Sk. conveying his birth from a divine lotus arising from Visņu's navel.]
403. Bahunayana-3 20 8 the lord of gods, Indra'.
[indra-(gl.); PSM. does not note it. bahunayana-in Sk. is not current in this sense. It knows only of sahasra-nayana-or sahasrākṣa—.]
404. Bahuvayana-3 20 8 name of the divine serpent, Seșa, said to have
one thousand heads'.
[=seṣanāga-(gl.). PSM. does not note it. bahuvadana-in Sk. is not current in this sense.]
405. Bhas 'to prattle, to talk incoherently, to censure':
bhasai (pres. 3. s.) 1 10 14; bhasahi (pres. 2. s) 17 14 10.
[=nindati, asambaddham pralapasi (gl.); the relevant passage is-ta bhaṇai jaini nipphalu ji bhasahi"-the son of Rṣabha Jina (i. e. Bharata) said, "you are talking incoherently". cf. bhas- = 'to bark' (H. 4 186). cf. Derived from Sk. /bhas-='to
bhas-in this sense in JC. (2 11 6). bark, to growl'.]
406. Bhasana-22 18 2, 81 2 9 a dog'.
[Compare PSM. & Pai. 62 bhasaṇa-= śvāna—, ‘a dog'; cf. bhasana-occurring in this serse in JC. (3 35 4) & Lilavai; cf. MW. bhaṣaṇa-(L) and bhaşaka-(L)= 'a dog'.]
407. Mayaraṁda-20 5 6, 69 11 4, 83 10 3, 88 9 2 'the pollen of a flower.' [=makaranda-(gl.): cf. mayaramda= kusumaraja, 'the pollen of a flower (D. 6 123). In Sk. makaranda-has the sense of 'honey, juice of flowers'.]
408. Mayasi-14 1 4 'god' (literally, 'one feeding on nectar'.).
[=amṛtāśī devaḥ (gl.); the relevant passage is-"tā patto mayāsi maṇise. haru" 'there arrived the god Manisekhara'. PSM. does not note it. The word is derived from Sk. amṛtāśī-, ‘one feeding on nectar': cf. MW. amṛta-pa-='a god'.]
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