dharai - they are carrying husk (on their heads).' PSM. does not note the word in this sense; cf. MW. Śīrşaka (L)= 'the top of any thing.' For the word kūkasa- given in the gloss see Appendix. sisakka-is connected with Sk. śirşaka; cf. Sk. śiraska, șirastrāņa 'helmet'; 'covering,'
husk' is a special development.] 457. Suragiri-- 44 6 7 'mount Meru.'
[Compare PSM. suragiri-= meru parvala-; cf. suragiri occurring in this very sense in Yt. , and NC. (1 3 14). Literally the word means 'God's mountain'; cf. MW. suragiri-= 'god's mount, mount Meru' (Balarāmāyana). ] Suraguru - 47 13 11 'Name of a nāstika ācārya, one of the propounders of Atheism. [=cārvāka- (gl.); cf. PSM. suraguru= 'a propounder of atheistic sect'; cf. suraguru in the sense of Bșhaspati occurring in NC. This may be
the same as the well-known carvākavādi Brbaspati.] 459. Suhasāņi— 59 4 11 'a peahen.'
[For the discussion see sahasāni-. ]
460. Sokkbagāhi--- 76 6 1 'one who snatches away happiness, remover or
destroyer of happiness.' [=sukhoddalaka- (gl.); PSM. does pot note it. sukha-grāhaka- is not used in Sk. in this sense. MW. notes N grah, in the sense of 'take away
(by. robbery).') 461. Somdāla- 8 5 6 'an elephant.'
[=hastī- (gl.); the relevant passage is - "maya-matta-camda-sordala-lila"the sport of intoxicated and fierce elephants'; PSM, does not note it; cf. sundala--'elephant' (Yt.). The word sodala- is connected with Sk. śundala-, 'possessing a trunk', cf. MW. śundala-(L)= possessing a
trunk, an elephant'. ) 462. Sohala--83 6 1 'very delicate'
[=sukomala- (gl.); PSM. does not note it; cf. sohala= 'beautiful' (SR.) The word sohala- is connected with Sk. śobhayukta-, 'beautiful', and hence 'delicate.' It might have been contaminated with somala- or *soala-<Sk. sukumāra-]
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