require it to be taken with salila-. In that case the reading "ucchalla”- of Manuscript K is preferable, because ucсhalla- means 'surging or spraying up. The confusion between -ccha- and -ttha. in the manuscripts is frequent. The relevant passage with the variant reading is- "salilucchalla-rella. padipellana-haya-duma-vigaya-rischao" which can be rendered as follows: "The parrots which had gone away from the trees, being lashed by the onrush of the flood created on account of the surging mass of waters'.
24. Uddal- 'to spatch away, carry off':
Uddaliya-(p. p.) 91 6 5. [Compare Nuddal-= ā+chid-, 'to snatch away' (H. 4 ,125, Tr. 3 1 66); Cf. uddal-occurring in this very sense in NC., KC., PC. I, PC. III. Tagare traces it to OIA.utdal- uddal- is connected with Sk. ud+dāray-]
25. »Uppil 'to push, press bard':
uppiliya-(p. p.) 86 3 8 (v.l. uppelliya-) (Alsdorf renders it with ut pidita-; the variant reading up pelliya. is preferable in view of the context; cf. uppil- occurring in this very sense in CMC., page 63 line 20 and page 64 line 16. Derived from ut+pid-]
26. Upphāla- 31 15 6 'sound of the drum'.
[--pațaha-dhvani -(gl.). D. 1 90 notes upphala- only in the sense of durjana-, 'a wicked person'. This is obviously not connected with the above word. Compare asphālaka-- drummer' (Up. K.); upphala is connected with Sk. ut+s phal-; cf. Apte ä+sphal-, 'to strike, play upon' (Siśupalavadha). ]
27. „Ummell 'to bloom, open, see':
ummellahi (pres. 2. s.) 8 5 17. fravalokaya (g1.); cf. PSM. ummill-= 'to bloom'.) Here the gloss records "avalokaya" as the meaning of ummellahl Most probably the connection between the two can be established like this-Pk. ummella, Sk. ummīla-= vikasita-. Primarily it means 'to bloom' and secondarily' to open'. As applied to eyes, it means, 'to open the eyes and see'. Secondarily, because Vņşabha (whose eyes were compared to lotus-petals) was practising penance with his eyes closed, the use of
ummell- in this connection can be well taken to siginify 'seeing'. However, avalokaya is but a free-rendering of ummellahi,
28. Ulla- 25 4 9, 73 5 6 'wet, moist'; ulliya- 1 5 9, 86 6 1 'moistened':
Ullalla- 38 12 1 'greatly wet'
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