boar' (Supplement to J. O. I vol.X, no.2, p.120); kiḍi-is derived from Sk. kiti-; cf.MW.kiti 'a hog' (Kausiki Sūtra) and kiri= 'a hog' (Uṇādisutra).]
49. Kimmira-7 19 3 'variegated'.
[=vicitra-(gl.); cf. PSM.kimmira- 'variegated'; Derived from Sk, kirmira-, 'a variegated colour'.
50. Kilikimci (y) a-16 25 10, 60 13 8, 73 13 11 'love sports, amorous sports'.
hasya-rudanayukta-krīḍayā (gl. at 60 13 8), surata(gl. at 73 13 11); cf.√kilikimc-ram-, 'to sport' (H. 4 168, Tr.3 1 91); cf. kilikiṁc- occurring in this very sense in Bh., Usa., Chand.; cf. MW. kilikiñcita- 'amorous agitation (such as weeping, laughing, being angry, merry, etc. in the society of a lover)' (Daśakumāracarita.]
51. Kumc- 'to bend, to curve':
kumcai (pres.3.s.) 88 8 11 (v.l. khumcat); kumciya-(p.p.) 57 10 12. [PSM. does not note it. Compare kumc- occurring in JC. at 2 177 and PC.I. kumc- is connected with Sk. kuñc-; cf. MW. kuñc- 'to make crooked' (Dhatupaṭha) and 'to bend or curve' (Suśruta). Alsdorf takes the variant reading 'khumcai'; with this cf. G. khunc-vu 'to prick, to pierce'.]
52. Kuruba- 3 12 17, 26 3 14, 37 6 1, 40 10 9 'a tree'.
[=vṛksa (gl.); PSM. does not record it; cf. kuja- 'a tree' occurring in Yt. at 1 246 2; kuruha- is connected with ku-+ruha- 'growing from the earth'; cf. MW. kuruha-(L)='a tree' and kuja-(L)= 'born from the earth, a tree'. See kuroha- below. ]
53. Kuroha- 8 2 14 'a tree'.
[-urksa (gl.); see kuruha-above.]
54. Kusesaya-48 6 7, 53 12 8 'a lotus'.
[(kamalam-(gl.); PSM. does not note it; cf. MW, kuseśaya-= 'a water-lily' (Mahabharata).]
55. Keraa 14 5 14, 71 14 3, 85 7 11;
Keri- 9 26 5, 12 6 4, 54 17 5, 71 19 3 'belonging to, pertaining to'. [(Genitive post-position used sambandharthe; cf. PSM. kera-(D)= sambandhin (H.4 359, 373); cf. kera- used as a genitive post-position in JC. 2 13 18, NC, PC. I, Bh.; cf. G. keru- 'for, for the sake of'; connected with Sk. karyaka-. See Pischel § 176.]
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