from Ņāyādhammakabāsutta; cf cokkha- occurring in this sense in PC. II. For N. I. A. derivatives see ND. cokho= 'pure, clean, limpid'; cokkha- is derived from Sk. cokşa~= 'pure'.) ]
78. Ghaďd- 'to abandon, give up, leave';
chad divi (abs.) 49 7 13, 64 7 1, 101 21 5 (v.l. chandivi); chad diūna (abs.) 3 14 8 (v.l. chandiūna; chaddily Ja-(p.p.) 12 11 10 (v.1. chamdia--), 14 3 3 (v.l. chamdiya-), 22 20 9, 30 6 6, 48 14 5, 48 21 11, 52 21 7, 89 17 8.
[Compare » chadd-= muc-, release' (H,4 91); cf, w chadd-occurring in this very sense in JC. NC., PC. I, Bh. For N. I. A. derivatives see ND, chāynu= 'to relinquish, give up'. Turner connects it with Sk, chard-, 'cause to flow over, vomit, leave'. See N chamd -.)]
79. ♡ Chamd 'to give up, abandon, leave':
Chandahi (pres. 2.s.) 22 13 6,38 20 3 (v.l. chaddahi); chamdai, (pres, 3...).16 22 6, 28 9 2 (v.l. chaddai) 85 10 7 (v.1. chaddai), 94 9 7 (v.l. chaddai); chamdivi (abs.) 7 19 15, 33 2 6 (v.1. chaddivi). 35 3 7, 43 3 15, 62 13 9, 92 19 9, 94 12 1, 100 5 10 (v.1 chaddivi); chandil y )a -(p.p.) 8 8 13, 11 17 4,21 11 7, 41 17 11, 54 5 3, 58 15 11, 65 10 5 (v.l. chaddia—), 78 5 4, 79 12 1, 81 1 8 (v.l. chaddiya—), 94 2 7 (v.l. chaddia-); chardāvia-(caus. p,p.) 101 13 9, [ <tyakta (gl.); cf, chamd- muc- (Tr.3 1 41): cf. chand-occurring in this very sense in NC, and KC.; cf. M. sānd- ne= to cast a way, to give up'; cf. G. chand-vu, Hi. chadna= 'to abandon, to leave'. See N chadd-]
80, Chucchamdari- 90 4 11 'a musk-rat, a mole'.
[(Compare PSM. chacchurndara-(D)= 'musk rat'; cf. MW. chucchundara (Susruta) and cucundari (L)= 'musk rat'. The word chucchuindari- is made up of chuccha--+uñdari or uñduri where chuccha- means tucchaaccording to Hemacandra (H. 1 204).)]
81. Jagai- 9 21 5 'a fortress'.
[ The gloss renders it with uparyu pari triņi pathāni; cf. PSM. jagatprakära-, durga-, 'a fortress'; derived from Sk. jagati-, cf. MW. jagati (L)= 'the site of a house'.) ]
82. Jivvabara-1Jivvāhara- 52 20 32, 54 11 3 ‘name of the elder brother
of Kșşņa'. [Ebalabhadra-(gl.): PSM does not note it; may be derived from
jīva-thara-.) ] Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only